GM files for bankruptcy ,following chrysler

Yeah, I know. Im sick of the welfare system. Get a job junglebunny. (not referring to you)

Ive already been to the gym today.

PJB for CEO of GM?

Im not really a GM guy though.

According to

GM Salary Rate for an Automotive Assembly Line worker is (not incl. Overtime, Benefits, etc.) $28.30/hr.

That equates to $58,864/year.

Now I want people to earn a good salary and all, but that’s too much.

Median Hourly Rate by Job - General Motors Corp (United States)

Well you certainly seem to know how to save the company! :lol

Yeah, no kidding. They should be making 40k a year TOPS.

Maybe I can pick up something from them cheap now

Id just flush the toilet and let them go

I wonder how many GM workers with “Obama 08” stickers on their car are peeling them off right now… lol

40 k a yr for doin suttin my son could do come on ,peeps at mcdonalds work harder than they do most of it is automated

The factory workers at my job made about 40k a year. Then they all got laid off

Back in '96 I was laid off with 18 other Firefighters. Sucked.

Took me almost 2 years before I got rehired.

As a result of the layoff, we permanently lost 2 Fire Stations and the number of Firefighters went down from 140 to our current 115-120.

And like most jobs today, we’ve had more duties/training added to our job.

Stuff like “WMD” (Weapons of Mass Destruction), “Dangers of Meth Labs”, “HIV/H1N1(Swine Flu) Exposure”, etc.

I’m not complaining though, at least I have a job …

this pertains to gm how?

Ok, I deleted it.

If you delete yours, then the thread is cleaned up …

stop posting in here.

^Stop making meaningless requests …

quit being a retard.

Yeah god forbid anyone in this country makes a buck. I work at UPS, all the full time drivers, and full time workers in the building make 60k+. Its easy work and it takes basic skills to do the job.

luckily UPS isnt losing 90billion $ and begging for help.

Unions. But I know im gonna get backlash for that.