GM files for bankruptcy ,following chrysler

Unions cause more problems than good. Glad I’m not union but still get the pay increases from the union contracts :smiley:

With what shipping costs I dont see how theyd ever lose money

There is NO need for Unions anymore… this isn’t 1902.

IM a Teamster. I have no problem with being a union worker

In the US, the more money you make, the easier your job gets (in general). Right or wrong, it just always seems to work out that way.

Assembly workers should not be making 70,000 a year. Somethings wrong with that.

+infiniti. not the only cause of the dilemma, but certainly a MAJOR contributor

Your right, only the people who pay 50k to go to college should make money like that. The regular joe should starve.

So you see 60K+ a year to work in shipping and receiving for 40 hours a week (assuming you ment 60K+ base) as completly rational and needed? Heck why not quadruple the salary of works at burger king too and let them earn 50K a year for a job that a 14 year old can do.

One of the few companies in America that still needs a union is UPS. Management treats their employees like crap. The drivers, preloaders, ect… bust their ass and management gives them no recognition, at least in the 5 years I was a Supervisor for UPS.

I dont see a problem with it. You have to put in your time to make that kind of money and its deserved. You can work their just part time, make over 20 a hour, and retire from their part time when your 50 and get a $2500-3000 a month pension. I basically have free benefits (20 a month). I have stock options and all other kinds of discounts and benefits. I have no problem with people making money. I do have a problem however with people who think because they went to college they should be the only ones who earn money. Thats a little rediculous.

Alright, I can agree with that and using UPS was a bad example to compare to assembly line workers considering the physical strain working at UPS puts on you.

i agree wit ya to a point ,im not lookin fpr praises but i bust my ass 60-7- hrs a week for 20 a hr and i have for most of my life ya think ill get a break anytime soon ?prolly not but some unioun has it so some jackoff that puts pens together on a automated assembly line doubles what i do thats stupid as hell

couldnt of said it better! :number1

Yeah I here ya man. Ill tell you though I still have no problem with it. Id rather see employees get paid than all the CEOS getting richer then they already are.

I’m making more money now then I ever have (~100K) for doing the same shit that I used to get paid 30K a year to do. Sometimes I laugh at that fact, but the shit that I do now helps keep America safe, guess you can’t put a price on that.

Who said anything about starving. Stop being a drama queen. The fact that police make base salary of ~30k vs assembly workers making 60-70k is ridiculous.

The unions ruined that industry. They should try to get as much for their unskilled labor force that they could but GM should have done a better job of keep their wages down. No wonder they lose money their lowest employees make 60k a year for unskilled labor.

PS THANK GOD FOR THE BAILOUT…really kept GM outta bankruptcy.

Yea! We should reward everyone for everything! Give away’s all the time!

You went to college? We dont care about your higher ed! You should make the same wage as burger king employees. :number1

well at least now that they filed all contracts are null and void maybe now we can get rid of the fuckin union

IDk about Gm but the base where I work is poverty level. You have to be at UPS for a while to make that kind of money. I agree with you though, its UAWs fault, but also GMs, but I dont think GM ever thought this would happen.