Gmail + chat + AIM = crazy delicious

Chat with AIM buddies inside of gmail!

my day is complete!

Awe, you guys posted right after each other, how cute!! :hugs:


Google > *

my work production just went down the shitter


my work production just went down the shitter


you are telling me.

how long till they catch on and block it (at least for me)…i’d say about 2 months


Awe, you guys posted right after each other, how cute!! :pugs:



gchat got blocked at my work 1 week after it came out :frowning:

IE 7 or Firefox 2 compatible. I wondered why it wasn’t working, damnit.


This is friggin BAD ASS.

I like the pop-out feature, too.


IE 7 or Firefox 2 compatible. I wondered why it wasn’t working, damnit.


figures we have linux here, no IE7 or Firefox :frowning:


there are ways around it jay…

trust me :wink:

we’ve figured out all the tricks in the past few years

i’m listening LOL pm me :slight_smile:

Works fine on my linux box with FF

Jay, shouldn’t you be working hard or something? :sword:

shouldn’t you?


But when you have a new job, shouldn’t you be working hard and stuff so your boss doesn’t think you are a big failure?

FF works on Linux

when will google become self aware?
what date?