Ban Aim

teh new hotness

it’s encapsulated in your gmail account… just log on with that un / pass

mine is sonnysucks

if anyone needs a gmail account, lemme know.

Pretty sweet!!! I hate AIM but so many of my contacts use it…I am checking out the google one now…google is teh bomb!

Wow that was a quick download! :beer:

i hear that… F AIM but i’m still on it… google will take over the world in 2030… mark my words

Hubby and I discussed investing some cash in google…should be a money maker for years to come!

i mean that client looks good and everything real simple. But i mean its been done. (Unless theres something im missing) I would really like to see a good stable non laggy video chat.

it uses jabber… droool

jabber is bad ass to develop in… all free!

ehhh… i’d think about it… buying google at 50 - 75 bucks would of been ideal… damn you’d be making out… but currently it’s at ~280 and thats a hefty buy in… i was looking at it and it’s estimated to go to 350, but the up and down of hte past 72months has been 70! - 315… that’s a freakin margin…

all it’s going to take it a big power outage or a worm or something that will kill these internet businesses, ebay / google, for a few hours, that will remind people how fragile these businesses are… once that happens you’ll see these stocks fall off the face of the earth.

just my 0.02 i’ve been watching companies like this for a while… it’s a tough decision.

haha. thatll be sweet

i wouldnt buy into google

confused but interesting…

also to comment on investing in google…

I watch MAD Money all the time, love the Lightning Round, and Jim says google is taking off. I would invest some money in Google, but NOT too much. (So Jim Says)


i am waiting for the split…

anyone try trillan? combines aim, msn and yahoo? very cool, just got turned on to it last week…now they just have to incorporate the google talk and I could be down to one Instant messenger instead of like 4…:dunno:

Yeah, I’ve always said they’re going to be the Microsoft of the internet… watch them end up owning Mozilla and other companies like that :mrT:

i was just about to suggest that.

i hate to be a necromancer but i just got here so i think i get a short period to do this.

“Google Announces Plan To Destroy All Information It Can’t Index”

I heart TheOnion


I’ve used trillian for years. It’s great for combining all 4, renaming contacts, and saving conversations.

damn, I cant log in on this OS10.4(got hired to the iPod support doing QA stuff, so apple sent out about 400 MiniMacs to the center :mullet: ) machine here at work with iChat(supported by googles chat). I think the router blocks it. Can get on AIM tho.

hahaha :bigok: i haven’t read an onion page in a while