so today i went out to get a hair cut and like a jack ass:smash2: i decide to start doing donoughts in the parking lot across from the mighty on s. park loose control and rail a snow bank which ate my truck needless to say 2 broken tow straps and watching my truck get owned by a turbo diesil. but i have to say hearing that turbo spool and then start smokeing 6 tires it was pretty cool
haha, it happens to the best of us… it never happened to me though aparently the saturn drives on top of snow banks
funny storie… I was on colvin in front of the old Big lots plaza and there is a red dodge dakota in a snow bank (2x4) and there is another red dekota (2x4) chained to the back (chained from the front of the puller to the rear of the stuck) and hes not getting anywhere… so I pull up in my 4door car and sugest he turn the dakota around to pull from the rear and I could block traffic with my yeller car (the yellow has to be good for somthin) he gets all flustered and said if you know better you get him out. took his chain and left… so I grabed my rope hooked up pulled him almost alltheway out then the rope let go. but we where able to rock it out the rest… now i need to go get a chain…
The guy I pulled out was real cool gave me 10$ to replace my rope.
did he know your car was AWD?
Well if we can post threads like this I need to post:
WRX > Turbo Cavy * 2 > 4x4 Blazer
EDIT: > Toyota Echo