post your current snow mode, I’ll go first:

if we get enough pics maybe we can have a poll for best idea and worst idea.

I failed to order snow tires. I was hoping it wasn’t going to snow this year. I was wrong. Ordering tires now from dtd

My snow mode is sideways through Rt 250 and Rt 31F… not by choice though… Snows on the front, solid, 75%+ all seasons on the rear.

Traded the rwd 335 in for a Jeep. No pics handy.

That says it all! SO damn pissed off!

For those that are not aware, this didnt happen because of the storm… this is my way of not being ready for the storm now. Instead I now have a misfiring Taurus

16" 225 Dunlop Snow tires mounted on Borbet wheels

open diff really sucks in the snow but oh well. DSC is useless so it’s always off. first car i’ve owned with ABS so that’s kind of nice. heated seats are the most helpful :wink:


On four studded General Arctics.

I’ve crashed already too!

Beck, BS!

IanK, you OK?
Just waiting to get her back from the shop then time for some fun!

Just picked up the wheels about a week ago :slight_smile:

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Sure, just a small ditch

What happened ian?

What do you mean BS?

I thought yours was green? <3

But I have since taken off the studded hakkas, as I couldn’t take driving on them anymore and went back to some normal snows.

Zoar Valley Rd, in the snow + Me

waited a little longer than i should have to fix a bad axle

Is it odd I read about you stuffing it into a ditch and i’m not the least bit surprised