Until you turn your back. Then your kid is back to writing on the wall.
then you didn’t beat them enough. Break their crayons while you’re at it. kids hate using tiny crayons.
Fuck yeah, Smash them crayons lmfao.
Actually, breaking the crayons would be more affective!
nope u have to jam thier little fingers, thats will teach them, everytime they move/touch the jammed fingers they will remember that - hey, when i do something stupid like draw on the wall, dad will come jam all my fingers.
my father used this on my brothers and i, it works, if for some reason we did not listen the first time, we would get punched and kicked the shit outta.
You can’t because it didn’t happen
I agree with all the statements above but, think about the country we live in. We have the freedom of speech as long as its in your own house.
damn…well so much for trusting emails lol…I still agree with those statements though.
Probably not, but the point is they LEARNED to and didn’t pitch a bitch that we should cater to whatever language they spoke.
^ :word: im not going to other countries and expect them to learn my language because i am there, same whith here. This is an English speaking country, speak english or gtfo.
I have been saying all of that all along.
If only more people on the world were rational, and AMERICAN.
I think many people are trying to learn english. What I see is a negative attitude such as your own towards people with limited English skills.
Learning a language is very difficult, especially after age 12 or so. It’s more than most of the lazy assholes in this country that refuse to speak any language other than English when they travel.
yes but if I go to say Spain, i would learn how to speak fluent spanish before I moved there. I would not expect them to learn my language, they would just laugh at me. English is the most widly spoken language in the world, and is the main language of this country. Learn to speak it if you are going to live/work here. I cant stand that fact that we have to have translators for people to work in an English speaking country. Have you ever been down to Texas? There are store clearks there that dont even know a word of english.
You’re really not aware of how languages are learned by adults (12+) are you? It’s not like learning how to multiply.
you should take your own advice…
learn the language of the country you live and work in.
he doesn’t work so he is excluded.
BTW - The whole “boo hoo they just came over from their country and they don’t know english” … what about the people who have lived here for hundreds of years, and still don’t know English? Like the people who get “their hair did” … you know students @ Buff State are taught to be leaniant with people using ebonics in the classroom, and that they should learn ebonics and live with it? BULLSHIT. If you have a kid who can’t speak because thier parents were gangsta… teach them how to speak properly and then we won’t have this problem. There is no reason to modify English as we know it, to revolve around the minority, and let the uneducated change the way we all communicate.
I go to Buff State and there is a huge problem with students not speaking proper English… but I hear it coming out of a whole bunch of different colored faces…
I hear “me and my friends” and as much as I hear “I axed you a question”
the problem is that young people don’t know how to speak or spell and schools are letting it slide. even my professors in the 300, 400 level courses don’t correct any of their students.
The problem is as regional as it is cultural. Look at that Nancy Naples broad. Everytime she opened that haggard trap i wanted to drive a bus into it, and she was an elected official. The problem is everywhere, I just ignore it.
- you are a worthless bitch, diaf.
- my english speaking is fine, my spelling may not be the best, but i SPEAK english no problem.
go fuck yourself