English official languge of WV

At first i was like WOW are they really that far behind but now i see why they did it. YOU CAN"T SPEAK A THE ENGLISH …GET THE FUCK OUT!!! fuck the aclu! You live here you should speak english.


haha i just read that right before you posted it

They’ve been trying to do it here for years. No real impact of the bill other than official documents will have to be in English. I’m actually all for it. I have no problem with people who English is not their first language, but if you are going to live and communicate hear, it needs to be learned. The fact the driver’s test is given in multiple laguages scares me…

typical narrowminded uneducated american

:rofl: :rofl:

seen that shit too

typical sick of the Nonsense that goes on in this country american.

maybe so… but english IS the language and official documents should be in english :hsugh:

i have no problenms w/ english being the official language, written or spoken, in legal matters. just tired of all these fucks who say “speak english, or go home”.

As everyone of us were an immigrant at one point in time. I know my great grandparents never learned to speak english, it was allways italian around the house.

i can respect that, but times have greatly changed since the days of ellis island. If i go to some place they aren’t gonna adapt for me, i’d have to learn their language. In america, all offical business should be done in English.

ignorance is bliss

if you try to cater to everyone you’re always gonna leave someone out. If you pick one languge for official business then well people are gonna have to deal with it. As much as its ignorant for me to say learn my languge its just as ignorant for people to make no atempt to learn it. Its disrespectful to be in a public place and to hear people speaking in foreign tougues. Ok maybe it just gets me when i’m Sq hill and the old jews are speaking yiddish and being all ignorant about it. I actully find that asians make a strong attempt to want to learn english cause i think in general they are good productive people.

not all of our ancestors are drunken potato-eaters who spoke english in their homeland and didn’t have to learn a language.

(i’m a quarter-irish, i can call them “drunken potato-eaters”)

let the jews speak yiddish. fuck. i don’t go into bloomfield and blow up because there’s a bunch of italian being spoken. homogenaity is boring. i DO believe that all written, contractual business in this country should be done in English, and all road signs should be in English, and English only… BUT i believe in the idea of protecting the existence of “chinatowns”, “little italys”, “deutschtowns”, etc…

that doesn’t give you no rite. Hey everybody i’m a black guy so that gives me the rite to call us all niggers. :rolleyes:

but atleast we agree on the official business being in english.

Yeah, I hate all those old Italian guys in Oakland that do nothing but sit around and speak Italian. Bunch of jerks. Why can’t they be nice productive people like the Asians? They are not as bad as all those Mexicans that speak Spanish, man they are lazy. Thankfully we don’t have to put up with all the mill hunkies that spoke Croatian any more. And don’t even get me started on people that speak French - bunch of surrender monkeys they are. They don’t deserve to be in this country. And those Arabs! How dare any one come to this country and try to make a better life for themselves and their families. Anyone chasing the “American Dream” better know how to speak English.

Do you know what the definition of ignorance is? It’s kind of a rhetorical question since you are not using it correctly, showing your mastery of the English language that you are so desperately trying to defend… I’m not making fun of you, I’m just trying to show you how ironic it is that someone is talking about making English the official language yet they are using a word they don’t really know the definition of over and over again.

Tons of other countries have all sorts of things in multiple languages, they are not scared to death of people from other places like us.

I don’t think anyone is complaining that American’s are too English-centric. I believe in heritage and traditions; if that means speaking your native language, or a language you were raised with, more power to you. You are more cultured for it.

what pisse me of are stupid american fucks that think the whole world should speak english…
they travel outside the contry & don’t speak the language & have the nerve to get pissed cause they are in another contry & no one speaks english.

then they usually get piss & start yelling…so not only do the people not know what they are saying, they also have a person yelling @ them in a language they don’t know.

yeah if you speak louder it will make them understand…

stupid, ignorant, american fucks.

everyone is missing the point i think. Its perfectly aceptible to celebrate your heritage or religion, its the things the ACLU tries to do like forcing issues down our throat like the rest of america owes , let take for example, spanish speaking americans something. I should be offended i am not called an Irish American or an Italian American :sarcasm: Why is there a double standard there? Why are people that weren’t even born in africa, african americans? Culture is a great thing and i think its a very import aspect of our society but at the end of the day i’m still a citizen of the United States of America. Think about that word…UNITED… Bet yet all these other groups wanna separate themselves.

Lets take another example. You go to someones home for dinner. You adapt to their ways for that night, you don’t make them change. Same should go for this country.

flip that and then you got what i’m trying to say about non english speakers in this country.

I hear that. I wish I would have learned Croatian when I was a little kid. I’m glad that they are teaching kids at a younger age foreign languages now. My niece took Spanish and French starting in grade school. She could have taken Japanese too. We could not start taking foreign languages until 9th grade back in the stone ages when I was in school.

If I’m ever rich and can retire I’ll go back and learn Croatian and Japanese.