Go f*ck yourself Mr. Cheney!





cheney is a dickbag but that is pretty immature.

maybe you should pay more attention to what goes on around you…

I wonder if he ran off or got detained :rofl:

pay MORE attention? I’d be happy if he would pay ANY attention.

But I’m glad someone saw the irony.

they showed that on the daily show… he said it’s the first time he’s heard that statement… that was a softball for jon stewart :rofl:

I’ll be in NYC on wednesday to watch a taping of TDS. Its a small audience, only like 60 people, so I really REALLY hope we get to meet him. All I want to do is shake his hand and say “thanks”. And get him to autograph my America: The Book.

That really wasn’t funny.

its a good book. i wouldn’t be surprised one bit if you get to meet him, he seems pretty approachable. imo doubt he’ll dig being told thanx though… he repeatedly says he’s just a comedian busting stones and not che. if you :shaggy: with him get pics with penny

I dont know man. Look at the direction the show has gone… Look at the new set. Look at the guests he’s having on now. Look at what he had to say on Crossfire. I think its moved beyond that. Whether he likes it or not, he’s become much more than a comedian. He’s not some monkey that just sits up there reading off punchlines aimed at the president written up by his writers. He’s on the level.

And if I :shaggy: with him, that would be by far the coolest thing I’ve ever done. I cannot imagine a way to ask him if he’s down for that without looking like the tackiest, dumbass stoner ever. But who knows, I’ve been known to just blurt out whats on my mind when I’m around celebrities. Just ask Taco.

you suck @ finding the humor

He did get arrested…read it below the Kayne West story from the link in that thread.


God Bless America