God Of War 2

Did anyone play this game yet?
I actually finished it in roughly 15 hours of playing… I have to say, there hasn’t been a game that I’ve played this much in years.

I’ll let these videos speak for the game. It’s truly awesome :slight_smile:

my younger brother bought ti wednesday at 12:30, and me and him had it done by 12 that night.

great game, very addictive.

nice! You guys finished it that quickly eh?

yeah, the last 3rd of the game we needed computed tip aids, its gets fucking tricky especially with the “puzzle focuses” as theyre called.

we played for a few hours, then went to hockey, then played again. like i said, if your going to play, dedicate a few hours then, its addictive.

and i rarely rearly play video games. i think thats the first game ive ever sat and played for mroe then a a half hour in about 2 years.

is this for ps2, ps3, or xbox 360?


only PS2… considering this is a Sony game, it’ll never come out for anything else.

God Of War 3 has already been confirmed and it’ll be for PS3 :slight_smile:

i watched a “making of” video for this last night… it was pretty wicked.

i dont really play games much anymore so I have no plans on actually ever trying this game but it definitely does look awesome and for a ps2 game looks absolutely beautiful.

NO PS3 no care