going out and getting blitzed when you have to work inthe morning

After the bar, go to breakfast. Eggs…no hangover the next day!! Surely someone who drinks 6 vodka and cran’s and losing count after 8 long island ice teas should be hung over. Eggs+shower when u get home=the win

you people are all alchoholics

LOL Hubby and I killed 4 bottles of wine hanging out on the deck Sunday night. Monday was BAD. Good thing I work at home. Working in PJ’s > *

I usually chug half of one of those big gatorades before I pass out and then drink the other half when I wake up.

works for me :slight_smile:

that’s what i do too.

correctamundo. I never get hangovers. Its the continuously getting 3-4 hours of sleep a night thats getting to me.

getting blitzed before your court date for 3 citations > *

welp, this makes it 3 nights in a row. :hsugh:

so u skwill?

2 for me… although I went to bed pretty early last night. Nap from 6 to 8, sleep from 1 to 8 (almost late for work too!)

Last night I went to a Foo Fighters concert - great time but got home a little late :frowning:

im working on about 2 weeks straight…

paying heavily for 3 tickets … But keeping drivers license from suspeneded license citation… thank god.