going out and getting blitzed when you have to work inthe morning

seems like such a good idea beforehand, and seems like such a poor, poor decision afterwards.


I agree. Worst thing ever is that feeling…not even the hangover…just the feeling that you get when you’ve been out drinking all night, and you’re tired, lazy, etc.

But hey…sometimes it’s worth it.

I was hoping for a disturbing picture…

X2 :zzz:

grow up, retard


agreed. your whole outlook is always the complete opposite the next day

after a hour or so you start feeling better…asprin and water is your best friend

burger king ftw on hangover days

While on Vaca I learned that if you go to Denny’s and get cheese fries b4 you go to bed it highly reduces your hangover the next day.

I try not to do this anymore - but it still occasionally happens. Of course I’m off today and up early b/c nothing was going on last night. Gotta love having Catholic holy days off

I’ve gotten on this schedule, where I go to bed at 3AM, then get up at 7AM, go to work until 5PM, sleep until 8PM and then I’m up until 3AM again. It sucks. :frowning:

thats pretty much my schedule as well… minus the nap. :hs:

when you wake you gotta kill the hangover by killing the warm 1/2 full beer :beer: still waiting for you, thats the trick :bigok:

good thread… I was out last night… late…

werd. Summer’s almost over. Gotta have the fun while the getting’s good.

esp if you’re drinking $1 tanqueray and tonics at tequila willies the night before :nuts:

Rumor on the street is that if you take that Chaser hangover pill before you go to bed, it’s not so bad.

Word is if you shoot heroin the next morning you feel much better

i seem to do this a little to much and the best thing to do is just go to work drunk from the night before and by the time ur done working ur just starting ur hang over

just take a vitamin, it does the same thing:grouphug: