
Have any of you tried those chaser pills that supposedly negate your hangover?
You take 2 before you start drinking and you wake up the next day feeling like $100?
Want to get some opinions before I try them

My solution is plenty of water and making sure I am well hydrated before sleeping.

im pretty sure its just alot of B12

Just get some vitamin B 12 and drink some water in between drinking.

The best way i found is preparation for a big night of drinking… New Years, Saint patty’s, Cinco de mayo…

I would buy a gallon of Gatorade, and mix it 50/50 with water in a large jug… I would start 48 hours prior to drinking, and space out the drinking of the gallon per 24 hours as best as i could.

Creatine also works wonders too… cycling it helps you retain more water than normal… if you are using creatine, drink 50% more water than above so 3 gallons of 50/50 mix.

You’ll piss ALOT. but you can drink yourself to near alcohol poisoning and still feel fine the next morning.

This method last pretty well for two good nights of drinking and I mean real drinking not this pansy I’m gonna play a few rounds of beer pong shit. 30 pack pregame then go out and blow $100 bucks drinking… 3 if you replenish when you wake up from the night… you might even still be drunk…

ugh… I’ve spent too much time drinking :frowning:

edit: BTW drinking water after drinking doesn’t help much, since your body is still metabolizing the alcohol well into the night. Sure it helps but its not that effective at all

nice info, but I was wondering if anyone actually tried the pills

oh well i heard they don’t do anything after 4 drinks… who honestly just drinks 4 drinks…

<— not this guy

Never failed me, but maybe that’s because I’m always extremely well hydrated to start with. I drink a shit-ton of water all the time.

drink a bottle of water for every beer you drink. That’s helped me when I remembered it.

Same here, not jooking I proabbly drink around 2 gallons of water a day. I work alot and I try to stay super hydreated becuase when you’re buisy and sweat alot…its really easy to get dehydrated.

no magic bullets , you gotta pay to play

I can be damn near unconcious drunk and go to bed and wake up the next morning feeling fine. :gotme: I just dont really get hangovers that much. unless its beer…that kills me usually…but I can drink a bottle of Soco in a night and pass the fuck out, wake up the next morning and feel great.

what i do is right before im done drinking eat 2 pieces of bread and you feel fine in the morning:carnut:

i just throw up a “W” on willybeens carpet, then leave it for at least a year. works wonders.

Best cure for the hangover is to drink 4-5 glasses of water and 800mg of ibuprofen right before you go to sleep. Unless your drinking good scotch. Then you just feel like a man when you wake up =]

I hear milk thistle is the best thing to take prior to a big night but I just deal with the hangovers. If I really care about not having one the next day I drink as much water as I can stomach and down 4 advil before I go to bed. I also drink V8 like it’s my job, the vitamins are key to helping your body rid itself of the toxins.

edit tonight might be one of those drink as much water nights for me

Before i go to sleep i drink a turbo hydro concoction derived from the blood and sweat of Chuck Norris (no tears because Chuck Norris doesn’t cry) then when i wake up i am 50x stronger and MKE’s celica liks meh boolls!

again, i have never had a hangover…and dont give me that “apparently you dont drink enough” crap, cause trust me, i do…

but a buddy of mine took those a couple times and said they dont work

i always have 3-5 pieces of bread after/before I drink and I have never thrown up, or had a hang over