…Drink … then drink some Green Tea!! <b4 you go to bed, pass out, wake up, drink some gatorade, go back to sleep a little, go from the floor to a comfy chair or couch! … Eat your favorite food and non-alcoholic drink and you should be good!
<never had a hangover and this was alcohol posioning(spelled wrong) that i did all this as i recall lol
when i get home i eat some b12 and c pills. slam a gatorade and a bottle of water with some sort of bread and go to bed. i wake up a cpl hrs later and go into work and feel fine. and thats after a night of 20+beers or 15+vodka tonics
Tyler I tried them and anyone that knows me knows how much I drink. They make your hangover even worse than it would have been. If I remember correctly they are only meant to be used for a MAX of 3-4 drinks.
Fuck all that…
Water and Eggs before you go to sleep, does the job.
and tyler, stop being such a pussy. man the fuck up
toner and i drank a 1.5L bottle of red wine last night, then a few beers, then started mixing 7 and 7’s in our mouth (shot of segrams, shot of 7 up, swallow) he woke up barely able to move. i got up and took a ride to the beach on jaywonch’s bike today was a good day
I did not read this whole thread so I don’t know if it was brought up. All those pills are is water pills that help you body retain water.
I took them the whole time I was in Germany a few years back and all I did was drink day and night. I would say that they did the job but their where a few days they did not work so well for me…