I'm so hungover

Last night I went to the Bronze Hood in Robinson. I didn’t drink a lot, but I drank some stupid shit, and now I can’t get off the couch without feeling like I’m gonna puke. I drank, in order:

Budweiser Select
Jack & Coke
Four Horsemen
Red Stripe

I still taste the Four Horsemen every time I exhale.


I have found that Aleve is the best drug to kill my hangovers. I had to be at my buddy’s wedding at 9 a.m. Sunday and I went out late on Saturday for a final fling. I woke up at about 6 a.m. on Sunday, felt like a big pile of poo, popped a couple Aleve, zonked out for 2 more hours, and woke up a million percent better. I even made it through the whole ceremony and reception without puking. I think I just took 10 years off my liver this weekend. No harm, no foul. He forgives me already.

Never getting hangovers > *

i only have about three times in my life.

gatorade before bed and some herbal cigarettes in the morning seems to do the trick for me.

gatorade is key!

i drink hatorade daily.

i drank Gatorade before bed. No luck.

four horsemen as in

jagermeister, rumple minze, goldschlager, and 151?


Johnny Walker
Jim Beam
Jack Daniels
Jose Cuervo

thats the four :greddy: men




obviously not taking your game to the level to achieve a hangover…


bring the A game or go home