Hangover food??

Went out last night drank way to much and haven’t been able to hold anything down all day.
Well the only thing I have attempted to eat was a hot pocket. ( bad choice as I now well know)

Whats some good hangover food?

Mighty taco

curry sandwitch

breakfast burrito

saltines and gatorade.

a whopper and gatorade :slight_smile:

Jim’s Steakout.


x2 deff a good thing

grovers for a burger and onion rings

I’m pretty sure he said hangover food, not drunk food…

saltines/pedialite lol

sipping iced OJ usually helps me

A buddy of mine is a doctor, he gave me 2 tylenol, and 2 motrin, and a bottle of vitamin water.

Worked pretty good for a wicked hangover.


more alcohol.

this lol

i always go for vitamin water and ritz crackers

McD’s double cheeseburgers. Grease cures all.

ibuprofen, OJ, crackers and top it off with a can of juicey juice

Pizza and Wings and water/gatorade. I usually mix half gatorade/half water since gatorade on it’s own is too sweet.


the other half of the jim’s steakout sub that I didn’t finish the night before usually works for me… gatorade helps a lot tho