man i love sunday afternoons...

being completely unproductive, and enjoying every damn minute of it.

edit- and having cold beer only an arms reach at all times. :tup:

Just toss a shitter under the seat cut a hole in it… and you’ll never have to move.

:tup: to drinking for the first time ever

oh im no virgin when it comes to drinking bud. actually im pretty sure if your drinking on a sunday afternoon, after you have spent the whole weekend doing the same exact thing, i must be doing something right.

You are just young the hangovers will catch up to you.

haha nice.

really? im 24 and drink like a fish and i have never had a hangover… im one of the lucky ones (till i start getting them which will probally be sooner than later)

Either you found the secret to hangovers (I would love to know it) or you just aren’t drinking enough…

lets make a comparison.

a 12 pack to you = …

the secret really isnt a secret at all. i used to get hangovers when i was young-er, then i just started drinking more and they started going away. the only thing that will give me hangovers is, really really dark liquor, such as yaeger. that shits potent!

oh and hes a big guy, compared to myself, i bet i could keep up with anyone who wants to step up, mind you im 5’6" and i weigh around 150 lbs.

12 pack to me= decently buzzed

i usually go through a case in one night(not good cause it adds up)and if i dont its cause i mix with liqour as well. hence why i dont go to to many bars cause it adds up to an extremely costly evening :lol:

lol so im assuming the free drink cards i gave you were put to good use and fairly quickly too?

yea i hear ya on the expensive bar tabs, I use to rip through a 30 then head out to the bars when i was a freshman. Now,I start the night off with a 12er at around 8pm, done by 10pm head to the bars and drink til 4am (I don’t bother counting, but 60-80 bucks disappears quickly and idk I never really get drunk anymore, just wake up frigging puking like its going out of style.

god i dont want that to happen to me, but i know its going to. as far as the money aspect goes, i wanna stop getting drunk, BUT ITS SO MUCH FUN haha

matter of fact i have a bunch of “leftover” beer from the gathering at my place on frday, so i think i will start drinking soon, its ok, my job isnt very involved

man, i can only sit for maybe an hour then I go nuts, I have to do something.

Haha well… This is my current situation, from all the binge drinking I have participated in I think I’ve developed health problems. This summer I almost thought I was going to have a heart attack because of excessive drinking.

So spending my birthday in the hospital getting every test done to me. I thought I would learn my lesson and stop… Nope I still go out and drink. This should be coming to an end soon, I’ll end up killing myself drinking too much.

But big thumbs up to no hangovers I’m 100% envious, drinking then being down for 1 maybe 2 days SUCKS.

Blue > Blue light. weight conscience?

from the sounds of it, you my friend have drank alot of alchohol in your day so far… i guess its the irish in me that i dont get like that

im at my parents house enjoying all the nice things they have that i dont ie hot tub, fireplace pool table ect. while theyre out of town for the weekend. drinking cold budweiser with the girl and doing absolutely nothing. and im eating a bowl of lucky charms. thayre magicly delicious


more of a taste preference, but ill give you credit for trying. :tup:

Lol, tapping out at 23 :frowning: Oh well it was a good run I guess.

HAHA, i used to do the exact same job you did, have you gotten caught taking a nap in a unit yet? i worked there when andy was in charge and he found me, boy that wasnt a pleasant wake up call.