man i love sunday afternoons...

grab your nuts and quit being a bitch. do you have a gf thats holding you back? if thats the case, quit being a pussy. if not, then i have just lost all respect for you.

hahaha no no On the dating thing, just a bunch of randoms to call from time to time lol. I would prefer to not have a heart attack at 25 or kill my liver (its tried on me before).

Ever have your stomach bleed internally from puking too much and to violently? Puking blood is not fun at all. Especially when you would wake in the middle of the night to barf out some blood because your stomach would partially fill up with it.

I still drink now, but I must stop before I kill myself with it

ok all this talk about drinking, im grabbing a :beer:

oh man, my old roommates were the owners of club w downtown, thats the reason i moved out. too many drunken, not remembering, “who are you, where did you come from and who let you in my bed?!” nights for me. i had nights/mornings where no matter what i did, dry heaving sp? wouldnt ever stop.

god, what is all this like guys… i know i know, i have it comming, ill post a thread so you guys can tell me “told ya so” the first time it happens

i can vouch for minisrt4’s ability to drink like a fish

and for his ability to no wake up hung over

and for his ability to remember just about everything

and his ability to hold it all down


:word: but its coming some day, i know it

camping is the best, a 30pk, bottle of capt in a day, wake up, rinse and repeat…

intense98rt, chime in, wtf am i gunna do this summer, you moved to sc

camping at buffalo hill is the best. i hate country music with a passion, but i know when i go to a concert like that we all have one thing in common. WE ALL LIKE TO DRINK BEER! and of course the girls in cowboy hats, cut-off jeans and half buttoned dress shirts. summer needs to get here quick!

my friend stacey has been telling me to go for a couple years now…perhaps i will check it out this summer, work permitting of course

I’m gonna laugh when a gopher ganks your shit.

And yeah, Sunday + nothing to do + steady weak alcohol = chillllllllllllll… :slight_smile:

haha im not too concerned, but i did leave it out there too long and its all frozen now. boooooooooo :tdown: to watching beer thaw.

Knock it off fuckstick.

Buffalo hill is alright. I only go for the 4th of July.
Pine acres is where its at. I’m going to miss that place.

i really dont get hungover much but if you want to never get one, drink somthing with little to no carbs in it, like light beer instead of regular beer, vodka and tonic instead of rum and coke, or if you want, get diet coke. Sounds lame but it works.