Going to dispel another ethanol myth.

I will add the results to the E85 sticky in the spring! I don’t believe the pure ethanol will be around any longer tho :wink:

It depends on the car’s fuel system. Modern vehicles with EVAP systems in good condition should be sealed anyway…


Shit is still in the drum. LOL. Didn’t top off the tank in the car, left it at about half. I’ll measure the content and see if it absorbed any water (easy as starting the car, in car monitering FTW) in the Spring.

Experiment is FUCKED.

can you do a little test with e85 in a non sealed container?

what would happen?

Why would you ever store fuel in container that isn’t sealed? Are you trying to put all kinds of particles and contaminents into your fuel tank?

I lol’d. Storing a hygroscopic substance in open air is a surefire way to contaminate the shitpiss out of it.

I’mma open all my bottles/cans of brake fluid and store them with the caps off. Seems like a good idea.

can you store some 93 octane with 10% ethanol and see what happens?


E10 will store fine in a full, sealed container for a long time.

haha :lol

well that was a quick answer, what about 5 gallons of e10 in my 16 gallon gas tank ?

I’d add Stabil, and top it off with fresh fuel in the Spring. If you want to be really anal you could drive it until it’s almost empty before you fill up.

yeah i added some a few ounces to it before i stored it , ive heard to fill it all the way up to leave less room for water but i hate to waste a full tank of gas if its not needed . I guess ill be fine .

some people put fuel in vented containers for a couple of days. i know e85 attracts water according to kettering university ad others. so a unsealed contaier can be bad news and everything isnt water tight. i see people test soposed e85 out of a pump and itll read lower than 85. stable e85 is always a concern. it wouldnt be if it stored so well

good one i think you should quit your job and write comedy.

Slight changes/additions to plans.

The 55 gallon sealed drum will remain that way and tested in late March/early April. No changes there.

I’ve got another drum with 18 gallons in it, which will remain sealed and tested at the same time as the one mentioned above. This will tell us if a partially filled, sealed drum will absorb moisture. I’ll be taking the sample off of the bottom (more on that later) on both drums.

I went back and forth with it, but I topped my car off with 87 octane today. I wanted to originally leave it stored with ~7 gallons of E85, but “worst case” was the tank collecting water at the bottom of the tank, and my 2nd pump getting a gulp of it when I drain the tank before I start the car. Don’t want to risk that, but I honestly think it would of been fine.

I’ve got one sealed full gallon of E98, and one half full. Both plastic containers. You guessed, it, taking a sample of both in the Spring. These, along with the drums, are stored in a heated garage, that remains unheated unless I’m out there working. So big temp swings. The car is in my 2nd garage that is also heated, but the heat will remain off all winter, unless a car needs to be brought in for work.

The E?? drained from the Evo will be spread evenly around my daily drivers:tongue

I was just in the Warrensburg area, so I figured I’d grab a sample and see how low it was-

Tested at E67, right about where it was last winter. What was funny, is the price was 30 cents lower than when the content was at E83. IDK, supposed to be the other way around.

Exciting update…lol…

I forgot that I had a standard red gas can right next to my partially full drum. It has E83 in it that was purchased at the same time as the fuel in the drum. Like the drum, the gas can is only partially full…

I took a sample from the gas can tonight and it measured E83. So, zero change in ethanol content from it’s purchase in Mid September, and it’s seem temp swings of roughly 60 degrees.

I’m going to take some of it, put it in a clean bottle with the cap left off. Should simulate the ‘worst’ possible storage condition for E85. I’ll measure it periodically and update everyone.

I was in W-burg yesterday, Travis. Thought of you <3

worst possible storage would be in a temperature change environment where condensation could/will form.

Still looking forward to the results of this test, but I still think you and I agree where they’re going to be at :wink:

Testing various kinds of fuel hose in E85-


The fuel is not black-shit happens when you have zero photography skills

Sample from exit 18 tested@70 percent today