Golden Retrievers

Looking to see if anyone here might know of a breeder for Golden Retrievers within a reasonable driving distance from the albany area.

Ive had them all my life… Il ask my mother if she knows of anybody.

Amazing dogs,good luck with your search.

Peppertree does a lot of rescue for goldens and shepherds. Just saying.

How much are you looking to spend?

cost really isn’t an issue depending on pedigree.

Who’s looking for one? I dunno of a breeder for them, but they’re common enough to adopt.

i’m looking for one. My issue with adopting was I tried once before I got the two beagles and during a home inspection I didnt pass the requirement for a fence yard and additional fencing isnt an option for me.

I know my golden retriever was a 1000, but he has the best personality I’ve ever seen in a dog and has a flawless bloodline. Unfortunately the breeder stopped breeding, but I guess one of her males is being studded out to another breeder… So il try to find out who that breeder is.

Damn *****, three dogs on your house? Seems like it’d be a little crowded.

I’d suggest against a retriever unless you enjoy vacuuming your furniture and having dog hair everywhere. That’s the only reason I didn’t get one, same w/ a Siberian Husky.

Yahh the hair is a downside.

my house will never not have dog hair around

Dude i sweep and vacuum dog hair every day already.

fuck that shit 3 fucking dogs. just go to the zoo man.