GoldenEye FTMFW!!!

Kirby and Pit are my favorites.

Agreed. I dont know most of you, but once I start pwn’n I probably get loud :lol

At the end of the night we’re having a drunken punch off, and Im calling dibs on Oddjob! :rofl

fuck yea. i love the chop fests!

Slap chop!

who the fuck is pit? im talkin N64 here, fuck gamecube or any of that shit

but if we are talking gamecube, ill rape with either yoshi or ice climbers.

Nah, you probably fuckin suck.

keep talkin shit, pussy

when is this going down?

I challenge you to a dual.
Thanksgiving, Super Smash Bros.
I’m whooping. your. ass. BITCH.

what system? i own neither gamecube or n64

I have an N64. Could probably get Super Smash Bros at GameStop for like ~$5. :lmao

such an epic game


whats the date for this going down… i want to play some golden eye soon now

oops sorry man i meant without. Lol typing > me.

I am thinking next saturday?!!? maybe around 2?

make it 6 and you have a deal…work till 6 on saturdays

how does that look for everyone else? i’m not opposed to it! i just would like a decent number of people / players to show. BRING CONTROLLERS!

sadly it looks like we will be using a BUNK reg N64, unless we can come up with 4 of those N64 controller USB adapters by sat.

next saturday sucks wayne, its opening day of deer season

as stated in other thread, it doesnt seem feasible for me to get a license by then, so i will have nothing better to do :frowning:

just sayin, me and steve are out