Good coupon


lol harbor freight


lol harbor freight


lol you.

that jack fucking SUCKS

you suck. That jack rules for the price. It’s great on race day.


that jack fucking SUCKS


Have you had one?

i’ve had 2.

both broke.

mike @ innovative has one.

His also broke.

To reiterate:
That jack sucks worse than sureshot007. Which, for the record, is A LOT.

I know many people that have this exact jack. None of them broke. This is standard equipment for a serious autocrosser. Besides - if it breaks, buy another one - it’s still cheaper.

wow, i had that jack for about a year, and had 0 problems with it, what broke on yours?

this isnt a bad idea

im currently using this

its the only thing that can get under the jack pads on the side of my car when its lowered and the summer tires are on

comes in a case

I have one, and all it needed was some bleeding. Still working fine, and autocrossers change their tires alot. Sometimes for no reason lol

also, anybody seen this?

I had a wheel break off of one, and so did mike.

The other started leaking profusely.

That would be hard to change the tires though…


That would be hard to change the tires though…




It was in response to viper’s post. You posted while I was typing. Sorry for the confusion.


also, anybody seen this?


That’s pretty cool. Like it says in the ad, just lifts it enough to get a jackstand under it. Or a regular jack.


That would be hard to change the tires though…


yea, but easy to get a jack under my car in the summer…

i cant get a jack under there for the life of me without playing four corner jackup/wood blocks etc, its such a PITA

I’ve got the deal one listed also… they do appear to break at lot and are not “shop grade” but for the average person they work well enough.

you do want to line it up so you don’t load up one of the wheels (on the jack) with all the weight - I think that’s what causes all the snapping.

I have the same jack. I broke a wheel on mine, but it lasted for about 3 years.

Everyday shop use? No Good, lightweight jack for occasional use on lowered vehicles? Yes.

I say its worth the money.