good friends ex-girlfriend


i love the trailer-park responses in here

“its only a fucking girl”



The correct responce would be “Its only a Fucking Broad”
or maybe “Pie maker”

Only pussies have feeling, jesus guys pull it together. :stuck_out_tongue:


Right. Because ending a relationship is just like closing a book. Slam it shut and it’s over. Feelings don’t linger. :bloated:

Are you guys who are saying “fuck/date her immediately” really that clueless about human emotion? Have you never been through a break up? Do you not respect your friends? Are you just trying to sound cool?



Mr Fry please stop with all your logic it is too much for the nyspeed community.


i think manlaw says thats not allowed…


lol :word: We better check with Burt Reynolds on this one.

Depends on how hot she is



Right. Because ending a relationship is just like closing a book. Slam it shut and it’s over. Feelings don’t linger. :bloated:

Are you guys who are saying “fuck/date her immediately” really that clueless about human emotion? Have you never been through a break up? Do you not respect your friends? Are you just trying to sound cool?


no - what I said, is exactly how I feel… its an ex-girlfriend, I could care less. I’m not a dog, and I didn’t pee all over her … or did I?


Well I suppose every case is different. If the friend doesn’t happen to be as emotionally stable as chino (God help them) then you might want to keep your wiener out of his ex.

depends on def. of ex. as in just broke up hell no! if it was a few years ago, and you think something is there, then yes. but remember to ask your friend if its ok.

Only ok if it is anal.

id say its ok after his 2nd girlfriend… basically he breaks up with girl X, he dates girl Y, when hes dating girl Z you can go for it… assuming he doesnt lock down with a girl forever. but basically at least 1 year…



Well I suppose every case is different. If the friend doesn’t happen to be as emotionally stable as chino (God help them) then you might want to keep your wiener out of his ex.


bahaha yes. if they are any less stable HOLY HELL they are FUCKED.

date? no.

get drunk and make out with? sure!

As long as the guy gives his permission and is cool with it, by all means but you MUST ask first unless you don’t value the friendship.

I would say there are two exceptions…

  1. Your friend is cool with it.

  2. You actually have a really good chemistry with her and are looking at a long term thing.(that means you know you like her a lot and she likes you and this will be something more than a 6 month fuckathon.)

hasnt been said but

Bro’s before Ho’s

Dont do it it might cause more drama in the long run not to mention the awkward feeling if she happens to be around when you and said buddy are chillin.


no grace period. should not have let it go if you cared that much about him or her.


I would generally say no, however I do agree with this statement. I guess it depends on the girl as well, if you feel that she is worth it, odds are though, she’s not lol.