Good goalie needed: ice hockey!

Have my skate and shoot tonight. a little over 1.5 hours, a lot of people who played varsity high school and travel, a few dudes who played juniors, possibly a couple junior sabres out there today, etc.

I’ve played 2 games and 2 skate and shoots this week already. I’d like to play forward today so I can chill out a bit

its 10pm-11:30 or so at tacoma, and is of course free.

no room for forwards though, sorry. it’s a pretty full skate. but if you played juniors or something like that, pm me. we can maybe make a little room

Go to walmart, get a fatty, sit her down in from of the net…compensate her with some twinkies and your all set.


Go to walmart, get a fatty, sit her down in from of the net…compensate her with some twinkies and your all set.


that was lame

haha for sure.

come on. I’m tired. I just want to play forward. but if I can’t find anyone else, i will play goal