Good News Bad News


GN: I ate a massive stack of french toast!
BN: It was from Dennys and now I will have to shit in T-minues 5 minutes.

GN: I sold my car and the buyer paid cash
BN: I dont have a car now and Im driving a Saturn

gn:i dont have to work
bn:i need a job

GN: met a hot girl with a good job as a dental hygienist
BN: she just got a job on sat as a part time stripper
GN: shes a stripper
BN: she has two kids
GN: theyre not mine
BN: she has two kids

GN: We still have a FS section.
BN: It now sucks.

GN: Willybeen is still fucking crazy.
BN: He has the herpe.

GN: NH Primary is over
BN: Hillary won

GN: sold my snowmobile on eBay
BN: buyer admitted to bidding $1500 over the final winning bid “Just to secure the auction”…fawk!!!

GN: you sold your snowmobile on eBay
BN: you need to find friends to help bid up your auctions;)

GN: i don’t have to do anything today or tomorrow.
BN: its because i got fired.


dude, aint funny. im fuxin broke :barf:

GN:The dentist office is closed on Sundays.
BN: She doesn’t wash her hands well and you are her first appointment on Monday

Not even in my wildest dreams did I think someone would pay that much, shit, the thing was worth $1500 in the books…I consider myself lucky to sell it for what I did given the current market:D


GN: i have my annual exam next week, and its on base
BN: im gonna be thinking bout stripper hands in my mouth while im in there:barf:

welcome to the club file for unenjoyment

GN: i just got an email saying i made the hockey team and were invited to play a game after the rampages AHL game infront of the remaining crowd
BN: i found out this morning i have tendinitis in my achilies and have to go to physical therapy like crazy if i wanna keep playing ughhhhhhhhhhh

just got lunch

GN: these fries look delicious

BN: they dont taste delicious

GN: I took off of work yesterday to work on my house.

BN: The flooring guy told me it was $1 more per square foot to install than he originally said(1300sq/feet).
BN: I struggled for an hour to install one chimney piece.
BN: I spent almost an hour to buy one piece for the chimney.
BN: I waited for .5 hours because my dodctor was running behind on appointments.
BN: Someone returned my saw with no teeth and Valu didn’t have the blade so I had to borrow my dad’s which wasted another 45 minutes.
BN: I had to pick up my daughter from daycare, drop her off at my dad’s then go back and work on top of my 35’ chimney while standing on a 12/12 pitch roof alone in the windy dark.
GN: That day is over.
BN: There is still more to complete on the chimney that I don’t even have a way to reach(yet).
GN: I discovered that my property has a view of Buffalo.
BN: The view is from the chmney top.:bloated:
GN: I got a lot of exercise.
BN: It was climbing a 25’ scaffold in the wind, alone.