good ol' americans

most of these responses are so unbelievably stupid i would be happier pretending this was a joke…



i saw a video that questioned americans about canada and how we still live in igloos and how we just acquired daylight savings and etc

pretty jokes.

edit: hahaha what state does KFC come from. what does it stand for? Kentucky Fried Chicken…


hahahah SOOO TRUE

My friend from school who lived in new york half his life was taught in school that the americans won the war of 1812. and that the British were invading the states because the Brits wanted more colonies.

goddamn, americans are so ignorant (for the most part of course).

I bet half of those people have higher paying careers then most people who actually know the answers to those questions.

I have been so naive my entire life… I always defended America for the most part LOL!!!

These “people” don’t know how many sides a TRIangle has?!?!?

How is that fucking possible? It boggles the fucking mind!!

Wow someone making fun of the Americans…jeez wasnt this done on Leno, letterman like 10 years ago.

You think they couldnt do the same here? Interview 100 people then show the 10 dumbest. These days you can say anything to people and they wont question it as not to cause a situation.

video = fail.


anyways, that was one of the funniest parts in the whole video.

Hey KoukiS14, I have some land in Florida for sale, weren’t you going to buy some off me?

Kidding aside, I for one lol’d at this video. It reminded me of Rick Mercer’s “Talking to American’s”, sure, they only show footage of the dumbest people but at least it’s a cheap laugh.