Good PERSONAL finance software? (Vista/Windows)

I wanted to get my finances in order and start saving a little more and tracking bullshit expenses. I’m not good with excel, so spreadsheets are out of the question (fucked the last one up pretty bad).

I used to use MS money years ago and really liked it. Last night I tried MS Money Plus (free 60day trial from M$) and I cannot stand it. It’s probably good software if you already know it well, but for a novice it’s way too over the top. The “wizard” to get you started is very vague and the interface is so busy, it’s tough to figure out

Can you recommend anything thats EASY to use, and does basic home accounting? I don’t need it to connect to my 401K or my stocks, nor my bank account. I just want to setup a budget and track bills/rent/loans/misc stuff.

i use that free quicken shit i got on my computer…it works well for me and was easy

thanks man, I’ll try that.

GNU cash for business accounting.

If you are looking to track your personal spending, is the greatest thing I have ever used.

quickbooks premier >