Good places to eat in the 518.

In Colonie if you’re looking for a decent lunch place a couple places I like to check out are:

ChrisTina’s On The Avenue (right across from the Warren Tire on Central Ave.)

Appletini’s (At the intersection of Central Ave. and Osbourne)

Firkin Fox on Wolf Road

PF Changs! delish

I totally <3 PF Changs. Kirin and General Tsos.

Good suggestions, thanks.

Any quicker ones? Sometimes I dont have a ton of time for lunch.


I work at 500 New Karner. I used to go to L-Ken’s for a quick lunch last year but they haven’t opened yet this year…idk why?

I hit up fudruckers with my co-worker’s sometimes. Usually in and out in about 35 mins or so. The I love NY pizza is right down the road from me, can get a couple slices there and be back in the office in about 15 mins. Not bad pizza, not the best either. We order chinese from this place right across the street called Dragon Garden. They charge $5 for a lunch dish and it’s a very plentiful size and quite good.


is awful. I had a sandwich there this week and i’ll never go there again. The best place in Colonie to grab a good sandwich is Pellegrino’s. It’s directly across the street from the Cumberland Farms on Central Ave. $7.00 will get you a sub, a drink, and a bag of chips. I’ve been going there forever.

eat at my dads restaurant! its called tuscans grill, right off exit 9 on the northway in clifton park. its italian, steak and seafood. food is mad good (not just saying cuz its my place either haha). service is great also (hot waiters and hostess, you know how we do :thumb haha).


50% discounts to all shift members? i’m there

deal! hahah jk i cant do that but the prices arent bad there at all

weak… ;D

Ive been there a few times. Great food and youre right about the hot waitresses.
I also used to deliver the linen there until he switched companies (not anything to do with me).

yea what happened was my dad was in it with a partner but my dad didnt like him and he was stealing from the restaurant so he got him out of there and they switched out some of the companies they bought from

Aww :sad

^^ whhaaaaaaaaaattttttttt how could they ever knock down L-kens that place was mad old but still :wtf

I just had Dinosaur BBQ today for lunch!!! If anyone has never had it, I highly suggest it if you’re ever out in Syracuse.

They said our napkins smelled funny. Im just the delivery driver.

Ive been there once and definately want to go back.

hahah did they really??? thats weird yea i kno its not your fault you only delivered them

Actually they really did have a funny smell for some reason.