Good pro gun video

There is a town in the US that has manditory gun ownership for every house. Guess where the lowest crime rates in the country are?

States that have WILL ISSUE handgun permits, guess where the lower crime rates are?

DC, NYC, Philly, Chicago all have tough gun laws, how is the crime in those areas?

So stop being emotional, and use facts to support your silly ideas.

Show me another one of the ammendments in the BOR where you have to pay to exercise your right via licensing?

Who is in the Militia ? During the drafting of the consitution, it was 16-60.

There were standing Army’s then. Why would every man have to be part of a military force, if we had an army?

Did the British, who were our rulers try to force us to do things we didn’t want to via threat of death?

Did we stop this with our own firearms?

So we took arms against our governing body when they stopped caring about us, and then we created a new government. This new governmet was spelled out, and the first change to it we gave ourselves a formal group of people (formal as in age, regulated during the times of the BOR ment “trained” not made illegal by laws) that should always be ready to take up arms?

These creators of our government made men be part of this group so we could shoot targets on formal gun ranges, kill deer during hunting season, and for other “sporting purposes”.

Seems that the idea was a little bigger than what the Brady Campaign would let you believe.

Oh, I hear MSNBC is giving away free koolaid too.

Shhh He is the expert. He knows all :tinfoilhat:

The founding fathers did not admit the second amendment for the protection of the people by our own government. There is absolutely no evidence of that argument. This is a fabricated nonsense brought on by those who feel threatened by our government.

Again, if the government were to become despotic then what good would the Bill Of Rights be? Its not like the government is going to say you have the right to shoot us if you don’t like us.

For the record, and this is like the 10th time I have said it, I’m not against owning pistols, rifles or shotguns, but I draw the line with weapons whose only design and purpose is that of war and that would be fully automatic. We should not be allowed to own those.

I know more than you but thats not hard.

If gun ownership is a right, then it is a right. You cannot limit it to a certain group of people.

In Vegas it’s just a background check and 48 hour cool down period to get a hand gun. It’s also legal to carry a loaded gun under the seat of your car because your car is considered part of your home. I try not to give anyone the finger when driving haha.

there is a county in Georgia I think it is, that it is mandatory (with two exceptions) that when you become of age you get your pistol permit and you CC at all times. This county has the LOWEST crime rate in the US.

exception 1: you are a felon.

exception 2: you morally object.

And to the shit brick that said he would “blow an intruders head off” I am willing to be if you were put in a high stress situation like that you would piss your self and fuck up in some large way. You can own a firearm all day long, without proper training owning a home defense firearm don’t mean shit.

What is the argument in this thread? That everyone should be allowed to carry a pistol? That people have the right to own fully automatics?

I’m not for safe cities as I think that goes completely against the constitution but I do believe in background checks.

I don’t believe a background check should take up to a year to do, but a two day waiting period shows that a true background check probably didn’t take place. It shouldn’t take more than a month to be issued or rejected a pistol permit. If you think that is too long then whatever.

I don’t believe anyone has the right to own a fully automatic firearm. There needs to be a line drawn on what we as a society have a right to own given that the lethality of firearms is only going up. The arguments to own a machine gun are the same ones for owning a grenade launcher.

Feel free to state your beliefs on the matter.

As stated Firehawk853 is taking a pistol permit course tomorrow… it will probably be mid summer by the time he gets it, they have enough time to do whatever they want… but case in point, is chuck going to go shoot some n*ggas up the block? No… is some piece of shit in the city that buys his gun out of the back of a donk caddy going to shoot someone? probably. Spend the money and time on police and actually crack down on these scum rather than harassing normal citizens who respect the law.

pistol permits and right to carry are different things in our county i believe. I may be wrong. So, if someone is breaking into his home his pistol is just as good as a rifle or shotgun. The only way he can carry is if its locked up and not with in reach while transporting and using it at a fire range. So i dont realy see the point to owning a pistol unless you have a permit to carry.

Which is technicaly against our constituational right to bear arms…but oh well. Texas and Florida have right to carry laws where you can walk around in public with a handgun strapped to your belt for everyone to see. And guess what…much less crime. Go figure.

You can’t have an unconcealed weapon in Florida.

And here are the following places you can’t bring a gun into:

Sheriff’s Office,
Police Station,
Polling Place,
any Governmental Judicial meeting,
any school or college,
professional athletic event, and
any federal buildings or property.

So as long as you in your car or on the street. Your safe.

A pistol is much easier to wield than a rifle or shotgun… I would rather have a pistol on the nightstand than try to fumble around for a long gun. It shouldnt matter. I have no criminal record, hell i havent even gotten so much as a speeding ticket in my life, i should be able to carry a handgun. /argument.

idk, i think id rather a shotgun next to my night stand. If im waking up all groggy my aim probably isnt gunna be the greatest. A shot gun you can just point in the general direction and its alot scarier then a handgun.

The shotgun with a low brass load is the ultimate home defense weapon. It is devistating at close range, wont cause a ton of collateral damage (wont go through a wall, unline a larger caliber pistol which will go through the person, and the wall behind them).

if were talking about this:
then i agree… i was thinking of like full length hunting shotguns like i own.

im talking about this.

you know, just in case. :lol: