Good Steak Restaurant

pittsburgh rare

farmers feild,stick ur head up a bulls ass & pick out ur steak!@

Hyde park is decent food is excellent but service is average. Pgh rare and chop house are ok definitely not the best imo. Capital grill with there dry aged steaks are the best in my book.

I loved the Capitol Grille downtown.

buy them their own cow. fresh steak cut to the way you want them > resturant

yeah really, how much more is that steak gonna taste at $25+ ?
it’s no different from buying it at a supermarket. Infact it’s fresher from a supermarket.

too many truck stops from slaughter house to restaurant. f ucking laugh
anyone care to argue?

I generally agree that I can make a steak better at home. The only time I will personally pay for an expensive steak is if it is dry aged. It just melts like butter. Bone in filet is another delicious treat that I have never seen in a super market

That’s how they are prepared at the Capital Grille. They are aged for a few days or weeks (can’t remember) at the restaurant and it was the best steak I have EVER had. It was definitely expensive but it was our anniversary. I think we spent like $120 or $130 for my steak, my wife’s fish, 2 side salads, one side that we shared, and tip. So be prepared to spend a decent amount of money.


What price range would be an expected check with say 1 glass of wine each,a meal and maybe desert.My parents arent big drinkers.I just want an idea so i no how much of a gift certificate i should get them?

send the check to my address

Any of the places mentioned will be in the $140-$180 range for 2.
Capital grill has the worst steak I have had in the city and right on par with the capital grill is Morton’s. I have had Capital grill in Chicago and it was amazing. Here, not so much. Ruths Chris is great as wll, never had a bad steak there. Hyde park is average and over priced for average. pittsburgh rare is average as well. Coal Hill gets my vote for best Steak in the city, every time I go it is exactly perfect. Chris and Pete are 2 sibling Chef’s from St. Louis where Steakes are Steaks. Plus it has the best view in the city. They used to have a steak called “THE ONE” it was $55 and amazing, they just took it off the menu cause they wern’t selling enough of them.
that is my .02

I wanna goto Coal Hill, used to walk past it every day when my GF lived in Mt. Washington.