I have a 1996 chevy blazer that has a ton of extra weight in the back (a wall of subs, rack of batts, etc) It has just the stock suspension all around, with helper bags on the rear. One of the bags blew out last year, and just havent even messed around with it as I didnt take it to any shows this past year.
Sometime over winter im looking to have work done on it, trying to figure the best course of action on it, either replacing the blown bag, or replacing it with something different all together. Anyone have any suggestions as to a shop or someone who could do some quality work on it?
How good would an extra leaf handle the weight? The ride how it was before with the stock leafs and the helper bags was scary, at best. Id honestly guess there is atleast an extra 2000lbs in the truck. Would they also be able to replace the broken bag?
I have 0 mechanical ability, and with something as serious as suspension work on a truck that will go 1200-1500 miles in a weekend isint something I really want to chance
they can assemble a set of sprigns for ya ,trust me there isnt 200 extran pounds in that truck or it would bend stuff .just call em and tell what ya got and what ya need
truck will ride just fine with an add a leaf, may want to get a new set of shocks to adjust for the inch or so of extra ride height…and i highly doubt you have 2000 lbs in the back of that blazer, not to break your balls, but thats alllllllot of weight. people dont realize what a ton amounts to. i got a fullsize 04 chevy pickup and even it doesnt like to roll around with a ton in the bed.
Trust me, there is ALOT of weight back there. Im going to call this week and see what the additional leaf is going to cost me, and then probably get the bag replaced (and maybe add a small compressor to fill them, it just has valves in the rear bumper to fill them at the moment)
Heres pics of the truck…9 sheets of mdf, 18 subs, 6 batts (at 120lbs each) amps weight 25lbs or so a piece. Gas mileage hurts thats for sure
The guy that helped build my blazer has one of those with 9 15’'s and 180,000 watts. 2nd Loudest street legal vehicle in the world, has driven it from maine to FL, all over with it