good video

here is 3
first one is formula d




look how the spectators egg on the drivers to hit the wall. Also look how beat that s13 is lol

full of epic win and god

I love how tribal and fucked up the whole atmosphere is, naked fat gangster not giving a fuck, baby sitting on the wall where the cars are smashing into on purpose, and people tapping on the wall making them tear it up against the wall. Its really a way of life there, not just a sport.

3rd one i posted in my coverage of ebisu, good vids non the less

i really dont see whats amazing about these videos. Buncha guys f’ing up their cars and thinking it’s cool. Congratulations for sliding!


wtf ? they are just having fun man, your probably in the group that "thinks cars are a depreciating joke and wouldnt waste money crashing one or doing anything fun with one "

cars do depreciate and are a waste of money, but if you enjoy drifting and tracking your car do it, fuck who gives a shit lol i guarantee none of these are street cars anyways - dont be a hater if you had a race car and a daily you wouldnt be saying that -

lol you’re wrong, I’ve crashed my car drifting and road racing, but i don’t find it appealing to drive a wrecked car. When I get more money I’ll change to a clean chassis not drive a fucked up one thinking it’s cool.

Limits people… and maturity cmon.

If you’re sponsored and don’t mind fucking up cars go ahead meh

lol ahmed

They fuck it up because they push it to the limit each time and try to get as close to the wall as possible.

Who in their stupid mind would replace a car they continue to hit against walls unless they have it down perfect?

Drive on a beated car until your skills are 100% fine tuned, then switch to a better chassis.

And i don’t think these guys that drive the cars think its “COOL”

You’d be very surprised at how many guys think it’s cool.


If your sponsored… meaning, they give you free car/parts/money etc… its not really costing you anything to crash the car -

thats exactly where your thinking still lies with the street driving mentality - if your worried about what it will cost you to fix when you crash you will never be a good driver - you have to take chances and test the limits, but not go stupid…

these cars would never see the streets, especially the one with a round back end lol - point is its like any other sport that requires money and trial and error, anyone can go out and spend 6000 dollars on golf clubs, does that mean they are tiger woods ? No, would you say they are a fool for buying those clubs because they are not tiger woods and dont need them ? probably BUT the real answer is NO -

dont worry what other people do if they enjoy it and your jealous, then just shut up -

you obviously dont have the same mind set as the people on the track -

and yes it may not be appealing to drive HIS car, but a car like that would not even pass tech its obviously a beater car and is not used in D1 events and car shows… if i had a 2000 dollar 180sx with a shit body i would beat it until it blew up on the track why not ?

good videos +1

I think they don’t really care.

They just want to drift and scrape walls all day long

They live in JAPAN where they made COOL. They ain’t in Ontario that’s for sure! They don’t have SON240sx clubs lol

Sorry! I was thinking about people HERE that think it’s cool. Not in Japan… in Japan, it seems like they mostly don’t care because they track their cars too much to bother with it.

awesome cameraworks on these videos, like it thanks

3:45, third video, sick turbo elbow

just thought i will add this one too, will roegge is the man!!


Holy shit, all those vids we’re amazing, and will roegge is craaaazay

sick vids