*Goodbye Buffalo!*

shit, make sure you got plenty of time to sightsee on the way up there. taking the 90 most of the way? stop at glacier national park, it’s unbelieveable.

good luck in s-town, my bro and his family just left there when they cleared the navy. beautiful city.


snowboarding year round sounds nice, especially when you drive back from the mountains to no snow.

Have fun on the other side of the states

Now there are like 4 girls on NYSPEED

Did I start a trend or something…

yeah…perhaps you did howie… :stuck_out_tongue:

oh, i’ll still be on the board once in a while, but i’ll be busier with school this year…so im not saying goodbye for good :smiley:

Lata gata!

Nothing has changed…go kick some ass and take the world by storm :slight_smile:

congrats and good luck!
maybe you can reciprocate and invite me to your housewarming in seattle :slight_smile:

Goodbye Ak!!! It was awesome getting to meet and know you, you’re a great friend! I hope all goes well with ya out west, make sure to keep in touch :slight_smile:

thanks guys! hope to see you on wednesday! :slight_smile:

It was awesome having you in some of my classes! Have a great summer! Good luck on exams!!

i cant make it wednesday work owns me.

stay till the weekend :slight_smile:


Bye akvile! We’ve had a lot of fun since we met at bubble tea. Wish we could’ve hung out more, but the times we did hang out was a blast. Good luck with everything in Wa and maybe ill find myself just a little south of you (in the most sexual way possible) some day! :stuck_out_tongue: