Google Announces Free Turn By Turn

Google announced its free Turn By Turn today and take a look at the stock prices of TomTom and Garmin:;NASDAQ:GOOG&cmptdms=1;0&q=NASDAQ:GRMN&ntsp=0

Some info about it on all:

repost, faggt

get into the android thread

meh, pretty big news. I’d say it’s thread worthy.

How bout that 16% drop from Garmin lol.

yep, they’re all fucked


Shit… I love the end of the video where he voice searches "navigate to the museum in San Fransisco with king tut exhibit."And it actually finds it.

So fucking handy.

Ya its not really an android post. Its more of a look how screwed investors of Garmin and TomTom think they are. Haha

I just love that these GPS companies are finally getting called out on their SHITTY technology.

I’ve never had a GPS unit that I really liked. They are all POSs

Idk, I have never had a problem with Garmin or my Pioneer in dash.

Tom Tom however fucking blows.

I just use my BB.

navigation aside, I find the software to be VERY slow. The screens on most of them are horrible. They DO NOT include any type of satellite/street view. Voice recognition and searching is non-existant. The databases for most of the POIs is weak, at best.

it must be good enough for everyone in the portable navigation industry to jump

I have a 70 dollar Tom Tom One, they wanted 89 dollars I think to update the maps.

I put the torrent hacked maps on it.

Thing is a POS, it takes about 2 minutes to find the satellite, but once it locks, it works pretty well.

NuviPhone what? HAHA

Damn, hopefully there are better android phones out in 10 months.

It really sounds like it will be heavily dependent on an Internet connection, which makes it pretty pointless for a navigation app.

^how so?

Until google expands their wide area wireless internet outside of California and begins their take over of the world.

would be sweet to have this on my tour

It’s getting real time traffic, using google street view, using google voice recognition search… all that stuff is a cloud service. AKA, it has to be downloaded.

From the release notes:

Does it work offline? Sort of. Maps cache along your intended route, so even if your connection dies along the way the route will still show you what you need to see, and text-to-speech voice synthesis of street names still works, too.
Maps that never age: Like most cloud map services, you’ll never need to update your map data, but you have to download route maps every time you head out (so you need cell service at the starting point).

Ruh oh… So if I’m on a 400 mile road trip and decide to alter my route I better have good internet coverage or my GPS is now useless. And every time I start a route it has to download new maps? Cellular internet is getting better but it’s not so great that I’d want to rely on that every time.

I’ll stick with the TomTom app on my iPhone. 1.9GB install and I have all of the US and Canada. I’ll definitely check out the google navigator when they release it for iPhone though. It sounds like it would be really nice for in town stuff where you know you’ll have good 3g coverage.