Google archives your past


I was searching for something and came across this. No idea that google had an archive for old news papers and shit like that. Me and my dad and mom were sitting here looking up stuff, some of which we wish we had not dug up, such as my dad digging up the body of a 2 year old and a picture of him carrying it out.,2316045&dq=baby+2+found+buried+in+scotia&hl=en

and a welcome home piece from 1945 after WWII including my grandfathers name,5687041&dq=in+gratitude+our+fighting+men+are+coming+home&hl=en

the only things I found with my last name were my dad’s name listed in my grandfather’s obituary (mom’s father) and my brothers’ bowling and baseball scores.

Seems like it shouldve atleast had my dad’s father’s obituary and a few other things. I know my dad was in the paper when he was younger because he has a few pics cut out.

Not a single thing about my family. That’s odd…I’d imagine there would be something as my family was in the papers in 1989 as the first slavic religious refugees to settle in the Albany area.

We were on CBS 6 and Times Union I believe. Mom has the clippings somewhere.

check her panty drawer

Is that what you did for an ‘extracurricular’ activity Paul?
