Google Latitude

Anybody using this yet?

I finally got around to using it, pretty freaking cool and very accurate down here to a few feet.

Def fun to use. Although could get you in trouble if you are going places you shouldn’t haha.

Same thing as Loopt on an iPhone, no?

Looks similar cept you don’t need an iPhone to use it.

kinda creepy. but still pretty cool

Yeah, dont want to give access to a boss or booty call, etc. but can be fun between friends.

That’s just creepy (as already stated).

Well with Loopt, people can’t see where you are unless you allow them to each time they try. And the program has to be running for them to see you. I would assume this works the same way.

Yeah you can choose private to block where people see you, or you can set it so they think you are somewhere else.

This is cool just in case i lose my phone, i dont see myself giving out my thing to anyone else though

It dosent work on the iPhone!

It says ‘coming soon’

I tried Loopt… meh.

its not creepy until your caught with your pants down:spank::spank:

Def a cool idea right there.

There are many apps like this on the G1 already… nice to see it is being brought to all phones though now. Somebody is going to get into some biiiggg trouble with this lol.

My co-worker this morning:

Me: How’s the airport I see you sitting there.
Him: Ha, I see your still sleeping.
Me: Dick, I’m in traffic into DC just haven’t moved.
Him: HAHA sucks to be you

:frowning: i lose.

anybody actually using this on their phone… i might download it just to see…

ps is it available for the iphone yet

I have been using it with my phone. Most of my friends have turned it off, but I still keep mine on.

pm me your id, if im playing with it one day, ill look you up and text you.