google - pac man day
check it out
you can actually play the banner today

no highscore table!

i lost

Pretty sick…

that shit fucked up my fire fox, everytime i play that "americans in china " video, instead of the proper audio, the pac man game music came on. so now im back on IE…

^ lmfao

That’s epic. hahah.

yeah yeah, funny, laugh it off lol,

lol i tried it out, pretty cool that they did that

Pac Man is off the main page now but you can still play at google has put it up permanently!

i just finished a level for the first time in my life belive it or not lol i was never into this game

when i had an atari i played alot of these old school games but they made me angry/violent/pissed off LOL… the games are designed to piss you off…when you lose you really lose LOL… and the sound effects were enraging… i was like… naah. im not a kid anymore leme play it… sure enough i was doing well then lost and was pissed off… i dunno old school… i mean really really REALLY old school games piss me off somehow lol. Frogger, pacman, all that old school stuff.

Edit: LOL I clicked on the permanent pacman google link and the insert coin… LOL… family woke up

The only old school games (well now old school) that i can handle are snes, they have some development into them. Even nes games kinda piss me off… except a few notable classics. They are so basic and give little feeling of reward but really piss you off when you lose lol. Man kids these days are spoiled… I remember some of the games with NO save option. You’d spend hours playing then BAM you die and have to start all over again.

Oh yeah this should be in off topic not car chat