Google Wave

Anyone get their invites? Looks really cool for people who have a collaborative need.

Got my invite today so should be playing with it this weekend and next week with my team.

Looks like a pretty impressive concept from google once again. I really hope this does some more revolutionizing. Fuck I love google.

The best part is its so simple… things just should be this way.

boxxa invite!

Invite meh?

Yeah ill take one too if ya can.

in… will read about later.

someone wanna explain what this is?

Google it lol.

Theres a hour and half video explaining it in detail lol.

You still need to have requested an invite on the Google Wave site but I can only nominate 20 people to the preview. Its pretty sweet. You can chat in realtime, include gadgets, etc. The 3 guys I develop with have been using it and it does have its uses but one thing I do wish is that you can put it on a private server and not require a google account to deploy this internally to enterprises.

Still has some work but def has potential in the right environments if you use Google for your application support.

LZ shoot me your email and Ill nominate you. I lost my gtalk contacts when my iPhone synced with them and tried to clear it all out.

Got mine :slight_smile:

I’m already in the request bin, but I’d appreciate a nomination as well if you can swing it.

someone please send me an invite please.

Send me your email and I will nominate you.

maniaci dot thomas at gmail dot com

hook me up boxxa


invite please?

I watched the first 45 mins of that video. my favorite part was when he said something like “go ahead, theres no limit to the amount of applause I can handle”

then I realized I am so behind on all things internet/computer. fml.

Intresting concept: which is based on Google Wave and then they have the

