Googlemap this address

240 N Cedar St, Hazleton, Luzerne, Pennsylvania 18201

Satellite view and zoom in on the football field…

for those who are to lazy to do it. here is what you will see

no, post it focker. its too early to make us work.

That is fucking good, was that planned or something?


nope, all natural

Did you google it? It’s pretty funny.

edit: nevermind

thats good.

lol, that is awesome. I’ll bet you it was a senior prank or something where they put shit down that killed the grass

Wow. were you an accident or were you planned by your parents?

Lol no I meant, did the people who made it plan for it to be on google maps? Or was it just good timing?

Nice senior prank

hahaha thats good

I still think yours was better though. Everyone that came in that morning saw yours right away.

thats awesome lol

i lol’ed

the bawlz are uneven

yours dont hang at different heights? you might have a problem

Actually… lol yea…
