fuck you france


LOL I believe in italian it is FORZA ITALIA!!

i was kindof going for france, ( sine im a little french) till that guy headbudded that other guy. then im glad Italy won.

ive never really wattched soccer b4 but it is pretty intense i enjoyed it.

I enjoy the idea of the world cup but the sheer amount of diving and crying i just cant get into that part of it.

I salute Italia. Way to go, big win.

Lol the French got their asses kicked…what a suprise…that has never happened before in history.


Mexico was crazy today. That is all I have to say.

:frowning: I’m french…and I think that headbutt was fucking awesome lol



i have a feeling that italy did purposely provoke zidane to do that headbutt…

he’s well known for his temper…it happened before and he didn’t talk about it to anybody…

in france newspaper headline: WT* zidane?

lmao lmao lmao

If I see one more italian flag I’m going to choke someone. Just what we need a whole bunch more gotti wannabe’s.

you obviously have no clue as to how italy, or any other nation supports theyre soccer teams, its alot different over there. What does Gotti have to do with anything?

I had to deal with them all weekend in Toronto, I’m disgruntle. I’m quite aware as to how other nations support their soccer teams, thanks. All weekend your stereotypical gotti pieces of shit were walking around the Champ car races wearing italian flags, and acting like douche bags, I’m sure you can see how a 3 days straight of that shit from 9am-7pm would grate on someone’s nerves.

ohh lol yeah my buddy lives in TO and he was telling me about it also, i feel for ya knowing that now :slight_smile:

lol nice

Who the fuck headbutts someone in the chest??

Headbutt in the face = tough…

Headbutt in the chest = fucking pussy

Guy falling down like he got hit by a train cause he got headbutted in the chest = fucking faggot ass gay homo soccer player bitch.

Thats the one thing i hated about soccer players even when I played… gay ass faggity homos.

But yea… i still like soccer.

lol caught the last 10 mins of the game… glad italy won :tup:

yeah for italy, you got there because you dive inside the box and draw a penalty kick.

way to go, enjoy the win, you diving mamas boys.