Gore Wins Nobel Peace Prize

So all christians who believe in GOD are right-wing now. That’s news to me.

And back on-topic…

ONE of the world’s foremost meteorologists has called the theory that helped Al Gore share the Nobel Peace Prize “ridiculous” and the product of “people who don’t understand how the atmosphere works”.

“It bothers me that my fellow scientists are not speaking out against something they know is wrong,” he said. “But they also know that they’d never get any grants if they spoke out. I don’t care about grants.”

Feel free to change the subject again…when you cannot produce any real scientists who are not owned by a lobbyist government group, that support this crackpot theory.

I’d be thrilled.

Christian men founded this country, and more people claim to be Christians in this country than any other religion. I’m sorry if you disagree, that would merely make you incorrect.

Slave-owning, Indian slaughtering, woman degrading, land owning CHRISTIAN men founded this country because they didn’t want to pay their taxes. I’m sorry if you disagree, that would merely make you incorrect.

Do you think Islam is a fairy-tale? Seemingly it is one where they act out their obedience by killing those who do not worship the way they do (the infidels).

Why limit your hatred of religion to just Christians? The Hindus have some interesting customs, you’d probably enjoy making fun of them.

I’m an equal opportunity religion hater. Any man that has to look to invisible forces in the sky to tell him how to live his life and make his decisions is no man that I will ever truly trust.

Of course, there are so many lipstick Christians that consider themselves Christians only because they had it hammered into their heads since birth and would feel bad admitting that they aren’t really christians. Shit, my girlfriend’s mother is devoutly Catholic, and her kids all claim to be Christian, but none of them have been to church in years, they pay absolutely no attention to any sort of scripture or church rules or anything.

It seems to me that if you REALLY believe that there is a god in heaven, looking down and watching everything you do, and life in nothing more than an audition to get into heaven, I think most “Christians” would act far differently.

I have no problem with government running the public school system. It just needs to be handled on a more localized basis. Which is why I want to give Ron Paul a reacharound when he says he wants to disband the Dept. of Education.

start a new thread on religon

this about how gore is completely wrong about global warming and how retarded people are for believing global warming to be true.

is the EPA a government lobbyist group?

What factual information? That this country is predominantly Christian? Wow, thanks for blowing my mind with that chunk of info. It has nothing to do with the argument, but thanks anyways.

I’m a pittspeed proven douche? oh dear, my life is over, some assholes on the internet don’t like me, boo fucking hoo, I’ll never be able to sleep at night.

Oh wait, I do, very well actually.

I’m sure you do. If I got to sleep at my mom’s house and have her tuck me in every night, I’m sure I’d sleep like a baby too.

In your other post, I don’t give a fuck what you think about god on the money or in schools, I could care less one way or another, but playing devil’s advocate, I hope the thought of baby jesus with a machete haunts your children and makes them cry themselves to sleep at night.

No more than the boogie man, Freddy Kruger, or any other man-conjured farce.

Go stand in a protest line you fuckin hippy, or better yet, go become a real productive member of society, deal with real day to day issues, so you can get YOUR head out of the fucking clouds, and worry about more important things than the frivelous 1 degree F various in weather over the past 150 years.

haha. Sorry, I bathe and have a job. But please tell me what these real day to day issues that I should be worrying about are. I’d be interested to know what worries a beautiful mind such as yours.

Largest, most comprehensive study on climate change. the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. No bias, no agenda. The combined work of thousands of climatologists.


I work with people from the EPA, and people trying to comply with EPA regulations. I didn’t understand the complexity of the organizational structure and the lack of technical expertise until I got this job.

There is a Federal EPA, and there are state EPAs as well, this is often true with the DEP as well. The point is, they are basically just big organizations that force people to comply with a bunch of paperwork, make sure they buy permits, and once in a while these government workers come out and do audits on laboratories. Most of the methods they prescribe are outdated, much more efficient methods that are also more accurate have been developed, but the EPA hasn’t added them to the “approved” booklet yet.

I could go on forever, but believe me, they are so far from being experts, that it’s not even funny.

so because you’ve experienced, from a ground level view, that the bureaucracy has a lot of red tape and antiquated processes means that you can say with concrete certainty that the scientists that actually study climate change don’t know what the fuck they are talking about?

Thats a hell of a statement to make considering you have no real knowledge of the ACTUAL subject at hand.

Talk about an agenda.

Such policies could include economic instruments, government funding and regulation
For stabilisation at around 550 ppm CO2eq carbon prices should reach 20-80 US$/tCO2eq by 2030 (5-65 if “induced technological change” happens)
Costs may be substantially lower under the assumption that revenues from carbon taxes or auctioned
permits under an emission trading system are used to promote low-carbon technologies or reform of
existing taxes.

These people want to control everything, and sell Carbon Credits.

Or did I miss something?

Also…silly Europeans don’t know how to spell stabilization.

It is the kettle calling the pot black. The U.S. Federal Government is the greatest polluter in the country, and does a good job of polluting around the world with our Military bases (firing ranges) and other intervention around the globe.

We will be cleaning up government messes for the next 2 centuries. Private Industry and personal automobiles are not the problem.

what does any of this have to do with the topic at hand, or the EPA or the UN International Council on Climate Change not knowing what the fuck they are talking about?

The EPA is an administrative organization.

Their press releases, are merely a matter of what they are told to release.

The Australian chap I posted disagrees with Gore, the Brits are requiring that teachers point out all of the inaccuracies if they show the video.

Do you still trust the EPA? They told us that the first generation Prius would get 50+ mpg. They got what, 35?

Oh really?

What was that about my reading comprehension?

He is correct, your disagreement stems from a minor matter of reading comprehension.

See above.

This site is not based on the Nissan 240. The founder(s) happen to be 240 owners, and there is much information/discussion about them on this board. That does not make pittspeed a 240 forum. Do you now see the difference?

My posts contain un-altered, non-interpreted information from primary sources; not analogies that ultimately mean nothing. I repeat the same quote because of it’s simple, blunt, brutal effectiveness. Said quote leaves no room for creative “interpretation”, and any attempts are doing so fail miserably.

FYI, beat90tsi…I tend to agree with you more than any of the other posters here on most issues.

You sir, are a lost cause. You quoted them one after the other, and you still don’t see the different.

“founded” and “follows the model” aren’t the same. Close, but not the same.

my mothers house? hmm, go look my name up in tax records, im sure youll find my property listed.

Paying almost 50% of my salary into taxes so welfare mommas can shit more raisinette children to live off my dime for free, is a good start

agreed 100%.

How many jewish or islamic holidays does the government shut down for?

Really? I feel the same way. In fact, I support the abolition of welfare as a governmental program. As do most Libertarians.

What’s next?