Gore Wins Nobel Peace Prize

none. And they shouldn’t shut down for Christian holidays either. Not that Christian holidays really have anything to do with Christianity anymore.

A rabbit that lays eggs and a fat fuck in a red suit with flying deer. lolz @ Christianity.

well at least you have a few working brain cells

There are few things government can’t fuck up. Which is why, in cases where it it is not totally necessary, I prefer to do without.

But there are things that HAVE to be done. Building roads, schools, collecting taxes, police and fire depts, etc.

It’s my opinion that the government, with exceptions, should just be the lubrication for society. It shouldn’t try to impact it.

The way the anti-civilization crowd has pushed it using any excuse and faulty numbers/research to “prove” their point don’t help their case. The earth has had higher levels of CO2 in the past, so why are they drumming against it? They just push to punish the successful West, so the rest of the world can catch up and pollute the world without effective protections. Stupid socialists using junk science to push their ideals.:wackit:

humans have little to no impact on the green house gases.

You sir, are a lost cause. You quoted them one after the other, and you still don’t see the different.

“founded” and “follows the model” aren’t the same. Close, but not the same.

ROFL- are you kidding me? Wow.

I think he means, you’re wrong, go away and :clit:

Brilliant! You’re very witty. :wink:

Oh my, things are angry on this board today.

I am going to try to be positive here.

I think we all agree (Blue, Swartzkopf, Darkstar, me) that the government is taking too much of our money, and fucking up royally. The minutia of the greenhouse gases and the questionable science on both sides is neither here or nor there. Let’s get Ron Paul into office so we can get rid of the IRS, keep the money we earn, then worry about the environment after we resolve the over-taxation (slavery) that is threatening to destroy this great nation.

Ok, let’s all be friends now.

source? all unbiased sources say otherwise


yeah, big Anti-Civiliziation is pushing an anti-west agenda through Al Gore and the United Nations.

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

just the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on climate change. :ugh:

and please show me a link to back up the “all unbiased sources say otherwise”


I have no problem with that. But hear me out.

  1. We burn a shitload of oil.
  2. We burn so much we have to depend heavily on the middle east
  3. If we were to attain energy independence through alternative biofuels, more efficient cars, solar power, etc. it would benefit the environment greatly.
  4. If we were to attain energy independence through alternative biofuels, more efficient cars, solar power, etc. it would benefit our economy and our country because farmers would be making our fuel, which could end the enormous tax subsidies we pay them, and we would stop pouring billions of dollars a day into a region which hates us and is hell bent on our destruction.

This stone kills SO MANY birds. Even if you think one is bullshit, there are still a dozen reasons people should be behind this.

Energy independence would be grand, however, we all know that “government run” or “government mandated” energy research will involve more waste than we can bear to think.

The best thing we could possibly do, is just ban the import of foreign oil. The market will dictate the price of oil when that ban takes place, and that price structure will drive the alternatives. Give Industry a few years heads-up, and we will have energy independence, someone smart and greedy will devise a way to do it, no doubt about it.

Why do we keep using oil? Simple Economics, nothing cheaper is available.

Oh my, things are angry on this board today.

I am going to try to be positive here.

I think we all agree (Blue, Swartzkopf, Darkstar, me) that the government is taking too much of our money, and fucking up royally. The minutia of the greenhouse gases and the questionable science on both sides is neither here or nor there. Let’s get Ron Paul into office so we can get rid of the IRS, keep the money we earn, then worry about the environment after we resolve the over-taxation (slavery) that is threatening to destroy this great nation.

Ok, let’s all be friends now.

Angry? I never get angry when involved in these discussions.

Like I said I tend to agree with you moreso than any of the others on here; I tend to be left-libertarian with a strong emphasis on indvidual liberty preservation.

Is it possible to farm enough to meet the fuel demands since it takes such a large area of land?

I wonder what caused the increase from 7500 years ago to 2500 years ago. And are ice core CO2 levels (however those are measured) comparable to “modern data”. I’ll assume so since hopefully the people doing the measurements would know better.

If I changed the title of the plot from “Human contribution to climate change” to “CO2 levels due to natural swings in the Earth’s climate”, would that change the meaning of the data? :slight_smile:

Is 10,000 years a useful timeframe? In terms of the age of the planet (which is a whole other topic we won’t get into), this could be like looking at a plot of the stock market for the past hour relative to back to 1940. If you collect data from a billion years ago (which probably isn’t possible), the peak from 1800 to 2000 could be hidden in the scatter.

A big :dunno: to all of the above.

who says that new energy research will be government run of government mandated. You can make your own biodiesel right now. Seems to me it takes government OUT of the equation.

And as far as the banning of foreign oil? If you did that, our economy would come to a grinding halt. Gas would cost $50 a gallon. inflation would go through the roof. It would ultimately end in total anarchy and the entire destruction of the United States as we know it.

So how about we just work on those biofuels instead. :wink:

Like from corn? Possibly, if we outlaw recreational land use and turn every corner of this country into farmland where we grow corn…then we might get close. But realistically, not at all.

You’re the one who wants us to stop using it, to be honest, I don’t really care. I’m trying to teach you something about economics. While there is a cheaper alternative, very few people, if anyone, will switch from the cheapest method, it certainly won’t have an economic impact on a national level. GM, Nissan, Ford, and I’m sure a few others are producing flex fuel vehicles, and E85 is not very popular, despite the corn subsidy. Without the subsidy, E85 wouldn’t be worth trucking around the country.

Anyone can make bio-diesel, but if you aren’t getting your oil free from McDonalds, you tell me how much that vegetable oil costs? Economic solution to keep us off of foreign oil? I don’t think so.

Necessity is the mother of invention. While cheap oil flows, people will use it, end of story.