Gore Wins Nobel Peace Prize

michael savage is a genius. thats why he’s borderline mad man sometimes. he;s an intelligent guy with the degrees to back it up and yet still has the common sense to say what everyone else is scared to.
book smarts and street smarts FTW

we only have to meet the % that comes from the middle east.

If I changed the title of the plot from “Human contribution to climate change” to “CO2 levels due to natural swings in the Earth’s climate”, would that change the meaning of the data? :slight_smile:

I don’t believe so. The dramatic rise begins to occur right at the birth of the industrial revolution and seems to increase at an increment similar to the level of increase of the consumption of carbon emitting fuels. Seems to be pretty obvious to me.

Is 10,000 years a useful timeframe? In terms of the age of the planet (which is a whole other topic we won’t get into), this could be like looking at a plot of the stock market for the past hour relative to back to 1940. If you collect data from a billion years ago (which probably isn’t possible), the peak from 1800 to 2000 could be hidden in the scatter.

A big :dunno: to all of the above.

certainly could be. But it’s certainly hard to think that the drastic rise in CO2 in the atmosphere has nothing to do with the billions of tons of carbon we release into on a daily basis.

yes and there is an estimated 30 million volcanoes in the ocean and that could by why waters are gettin warmer and creating this new global humidity craze!


I BELIEVE that we get ~ 20% of our oil from the middle east. Right now we subsidize farmers to grow crops that get thrown away. There’s a local biodiesel production facility here in OC that takes byproduct from local chicken plants (soybeans) and makes it into biodiesel. They actually get paid money to remove it from the chicken plants because it saves them from having to pay to have it disposed of otherwise.

It CAN be done.

Fast food joints around here just don’t want to give the shit up, either. About a year ago, a friend and I hit up every fast food/small restaraunt (for a different project, not bio-diesel) in probably a 3 mile radius, and they all had indepent companies or parent companies that came in and removed it.

fairy tales? people like you are the first ones to find God in a time of tragedy… any military men wanna respond to this communist about that piece of cloth?

Thanks for that rousing lesson. I hadn’t ever thought of that. Here’s my econ lesson for the day.

Today oil supplies about 40% of the world’s energy and 96% of its transportation energy. Since the shift from coal to oil, the world has consumed over 875 billion barrels. Another 1,000 billion barrels of proved and probable reserves remain to be recovered.

From now to 2020, world oil consumption will rise by about 60%. Transportation will be the fastest growing oil-consuming sector. By 2025, the number of cars will increase to well over 1.25 billion from approximately 700 million today. Global consumption of gasoline could double.

The two countries with the highest rate of growth in oil use are China and India, whose combined populations account for a third of humanity. In the next two decades, China’s oil consumption is expected to grow at a rate of 7.5% per year and India’s 5.5%. (Compare to a 1% growth for the industrialized countries). It will be strategically imperative for these countries to secure their access to oil.

in less than 15 years, the demand for oil is going to go up 60%. The supply is going to stay the same. What do you think is going to happen?

not now that they know they can make money off of it… :ugh2:

there are tons of different ways to make biodiesel though.


any military men wanna respond to this communist about that piece of cloth?

It’s a piece of cloth. I pledge allegiance to the truth, freedom, and liberty.

My GF is a meterologist. She and her other scientist friends seem to think its more of a trend. Credible logging for weater patterns only started around 1850. IMO I think it would be hard to tell patterns of an earth with only using 150 year sample.

Al Gore invented the internet, so global warming must be true too.

No, corn is not gonna do it. I personally love the idea of E85 being widely available (105 octane, just hafta use a lil’ more of it) but unfortunately, corn does not have enough sugar in it to make it economically viable (costs more to produce the alcohol than it sells for - that’s why it’s subsidized). Sugarcane is the only crop that will generate a payback. Look at Brazil. They are 60% self-sufficient on E85 made from sugarcane. Unfortunately we don’t have the best climate to grow sugarcane (except Hawaii).

He’s 100% correct…:bowdown:

How do you know the supply is going to stay the same?

Assuming it does, when the price reaches a point where other viable options become equal or lesser in price than dinosaur oil, then people will start switching to them. To try to get people to switch by artificial means is very difficult, if not impossible.

To be independent…first we would need to replace that ~20% coming from the Arabs, next comes that unsavory character Hugo Chavez and his cartel. I think they may hate us as well.


If you believe what you say about oil production vs demand… then if you were smart, you would sell everything you own, even the shirt off your back, and invest in oil right now.

thats what ur supposed to be doing when you say the pledge… thats the whole point. the flag is a representation of all the things you mentioned. you obviously went through the motions when u said it everyday. same with the star spangled banner… i would say a lot of people are goin through the motions… i think about my cousin who’s serving, my friends who are serving and show them the respect they earned.

You’re right. i should. If I had money thats exactly where it would be going. But then again thats no secret. ExxonMobile was the most profitable company in history last year.