Got a Job today!!!

Wright automotive.

get full benifits, cell phone, gas allowance and a car allowance!!!



cool… doing what?

congrats Yo

IT guy :smiley:


sounds like a decent hussle



When do you start?

they said as soon as possible, but i have to give the place im at some time. since its just an internship, i dont think they will really mind. I’m hoping for June 1st

get a GTO

with my car allowance, i could prob lease one :smiley:

dunno if i’d wanna buy


Which Wright? A buddy of mine worked at Friend in Bridgewater until Wright bought them out. They wanted to cut his salary and hours way back so he left. He was a mechanic though so different situation. But he also did not like the attitude and demeanor of the Wright people.

I also knew a kid who worked in parts for Northwest until they got bought out. He said the same thing about their attitudes and left because of it (they didnt cut his pay at all)

I’ll be working for all of the Wright dealers. travel to each if they are having a problem



:cool: Congrats!

test drive blues old cobra