Got a ride in a 2007 Corvette Z06 today




uhm, union pensions plans>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>what you “fixed”


uhm, union pensions plans>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>what you “fixed”


so true


just think how much better that car would be if they didn’t have to cut corners to increase the profit margin to pay for the UNION


General Motors Corp. CEO Rick Wagoner made $10.2 million in 2006, a year in which the automaker pared its losses but continued to lose money on its struggling North American operations.
Wagoner received $1.28 million in salary, $6.67 million worth of stock options and awards and $769,566 in other compensation, according to filing with U.S. regulators today.
The 54-year-old CEO, who’s spent three decades working for GM, made $8.5 million in 2005 and $10 million in 2004.
Wagoner’s take is just over one-third of the $28.2 million that Ford Motor Co.'s new president and CEO Alan Mulally earned during his first four months on the job.
GM Vice Chairman Bob Lutz made $8.4 million last year, including $1.16 million in salary, $2.93 million in stock options and awards and $445,679 in other compensation. Chief Financial Officer Fritz Henderson received cash compensation totaling $5.2 million.

GM’s annual UAW health care costs

ts whopping $68 billion post-retirement employee health care obligation

uhm, that is just health care, please try again, and in case you can’t do math you posted 24 million, and just in case that is $24,000,000 vs $68,000,000,000, hrm which is larger again

Keep thowing up the line your union rep is telling you though, that a few CEO salaries are the problem. :lol: