Got Ass for TNC

i did something small for all ya TNC guys…small video from tha GOT ASS hotie Kristina Z…
if someone knows how 2 rotate this video by 90 degrees …will help alot!


Kristina’s pic link :

thank you! very nice… wow very nice pictures …i must say… lol good job:R :R

lol at performance world all i would do is follow the Got Ass girls around while kevin took cool kevin pics and angelica gave me dirty looks.

true story

are u kidding…the entiirreee effin time we were there…u were bugging me about my sister man…thats why u got dirty looks…jeeze

^^^lol…thats awesome seriously

lol vlad always pulss through nicely :R

hey dirty looks are dirty looks.

well i dun give them for no reason…and i def. wasnt givin them cuz u were lookin at got ass girls…prob at the fact u were tryin to get me to look at them

Hah, you could always tell where the Got Ass girls were by the huge number of camera flashes in the area.

thanx guys…btw i wasn’t in that big crowed of cameras lol…my good friend YANA is one of the GOT ASS girls…:slight_smile:

i got some got ass pics at home ill post up when i get home form work lol

^:) do that man…lol …lets make it The Official GOT ASS Thread…

lol my boi wne tou wiht one of those gurls hahah
and i got on of thir numbers
:slight_smile: but im too young for them lol :frowning:

^care to hook a fellow tnc member with the phone number? lol. just kidding

lol hahahahahha

mmmmm life is good.

lol hahahaha