Got boost???

:wackit: :wackit: :wackit: :wackit:

the video is just as sick as the pics !!!

good luck trying to keep that efficient…

producing that much boost is gonna be hard to keep cool, he’ll probably heatsoak the damn thing within seconds.


those turbos arne’t all that big, he’s getting a hell of a lot of air (that’s within efficiency ranges of the turbos) and still probably spools at 2k rpms…

if u have 4 600cfm turbos that spool at 2k you have 2400cfm going through that motor at 2k and 8 of them would make 4800cfm at 2k…try doing that with 1 big one.

looks like that engine bay can get really hot.

yeah the manifolds were glowin pretty good

I 've got a boost in my pants now

:love: :eek3: :bigok:



Thats just silly :wink:

since when??? :op:


:shaggy: :itr41: