Got booted from PF, go to Golds or Best?

There is a pretty good jiu-jutsu school run out of ABC. Worked out there a few times, I liked it.

I was at the one in Rotterdam. They said something to me tuesday about using chalk while deadlifting. They didnt kick me out then, and I finished my workout. This morning I got there and they just said my membership has been cancelled and I had to leave with no other reason given than because I used chalk tuesday. I was always fairly quiet and to myself. Never set off that retarded alarm. But I did get some looks from the staff whenever I was lifting heavy. They are fools there.

BTW, no where in the rules does it say no chalk. And Im never a slob with it and keep the mess to a minimum.

i goto PF on altamont late at night (midnight/1am ish) theres people there doing whatever and no one cares. and the 2-3 people running the place overnight just sit up front.
but i can see how normal hours would be different though.

I still wish i signed up at best. me/mom/sister had a thing there from the day it opened in crosstown to about 2 years ago.

Jeff: You do no such thing.

Well the chalk thing is odd, I’m not sure why they would stress over it unless it was going all over the place. I used it from time to time but that was at ABC and they sold the shit there for christ sakes. Went with straps at PF, so I never encountered the anti chalk police.

Fuck em, go somewhere you can use it.


I farted and set off the “lunk alarm” @ PF.


I use straps sometimes, but like chalk way more. Plus, I dont like the cuts I get on my wrists from the straps.

You are tough.

What is the alarm you mentioned?

if you are too loud they set off this stupid alarm to tell you to quiet down. The place is horrible.

I go to Best in Rotterdam and Im pretty sure theres signs that say you cant use chalk there either.

Its a pretty good gym to work out at. The only other gym Ive been to is Bally’s and Best is definately better and has more machines and weights than Bally’s does.

I pay $20 a month. If youre serious about joining one of us that are members there can get you a free 14 day trial if theres any left on the bulletin boards.


I am very serious about joining. right now im doing the free 7 day membership at golds, so I need to join somewhere by the time that ends!

At this point im leaning towards Best. See if you can get me one of those passes!

just joined Best Fitness

BTW, they took down the bulletin board in the men’s room where they had the passes.

Did they also patch the glory hole in the men’s room there?

They didnt have one in Schenectady where I go. The Albany one was where they were having gay activities from what Ive heard.


Membership is good at all Best gyms so no need to change anything. Ive been to the Albany one a few times but like the Schenectady one much better and its less than 5 minutes from my house.

I dont engage in homosexual activities such as sodomy either.