actually her dad asked me if i was going to marry her
Oh real good, one vagina for the rest of your life, good move.
ENjoy the BJ’s now while they last! LOL.
Not necessarily the same thing. One of those would have gotten my ass kicked and the other wouldn’t.
Welcome to the dumfuk club. Good luck on the next year or whatever. I just spent $500 on cheesecake. (most of which I won’t even get to eat!) I got a vegan buddy who’s going to be mighty hungry. Its a good thing beer is vegan. I got into a fight with my parents about putting Zwarbyt in a green vest. And to top it all off my mother in law to be is a fucking crazy woman.
So congrats on you getting married. My condolences on the fact that you’re about to be anally violated by the “wedding industry”
If you haven’t talked about Vegas yet, consider it. If she’s on the fence, have her call mine. I’ll fix you up good.
Congrats, now the fun really starts… :bloated:
My one word of adivce: “whatever you want honey” keep your nose out of the wedding planning, it will only bring you a world of hurt. Just stand back and supervise.
Congrats dude, you don’t even need to sell your car too.
congrats to you!
girls are overratted. cock is where it’s at. But I’m glad you’re happy right now.
awesome! congrats to you and christine!
how exciting!
:tup: good luck man
:tup: congrats man!!!
She reallllly want Kloc’s…was ur there
Congrats!! :tup:
warning … i crash all parties that happen at klocs … its an easy way to get free beer … and its a short walk down the street, lol