Got Global Warming??

I’d say more like “Not Global Warming”

Earth’s temp, last 1 million years, 150 thousand years, 16 thousand years, and 150 years.

Where’d you get that from?

speaking of which… I was reading that sea levels in the arctic is at an all time low (maybe for the date?) and they couldnt explain why

edit: but yeah… we’re all f’ed. Scientists are saying now that it’s a normal cycle of the earth and were just now exiting the ice age

The link is above the image. It’s the kind of raw data the news stations refuse to show you, because it makes it much harder to believe the hype of global warming, or at least that it’s something we’re causing. When you see the same pattern being repeated over and over, for a million years, you start to question how much the infernal combusion engine has really had to do with it. Questioning is bad though, keep being lemmings, it’s more fun to panic.

There is certainly a natural global warming cooling going on

It’s also certain, how could it not be, that humans and industry have an impact on this. Exactly how much is debateable…but either way, when it comes to THE PLANET WE LIVE ON, I think it would be best to lean towards caution…

Besides the possible benefits to the temperature of the planet, we’d be advancing renewable energy sources.

Agreed, but lets do it responsibly, not jump into things like Kyoto which would cost us billions because someone thinks we might be making a difference maybe.

The fact is “modern human” has happened to live on this planet during an abnormally stable period of temperature. Just because we like it that way does not mean we can keep it that way. At some point in our future there will be another climate shift, and if we’re meant to stick around we’ll adapt. If not, what ever replaces us will be looking at our bones in a museum the way we look at dinosaurs.

I’m really tired of people thinking that the earth is this giant rock that never changes. Read up on your history, and realize that at one time WNY looked more like the artic circle, and if you go back far enough, all the continents were basically one big mass. The forces at work that make these changes are far greater than us silly little humans.

And in case some of you haven’t figured it out, the little dotted line section at the end of each graph is what is represented in the graph below it. That one should be a real eye opener.

that should freak some people out.

We are in an ice age and are just coming out of it. This planet has gone from an almost completely frozen slush ball to a hot as hell jungle (read arctic as hot as miami)

just say this… figured I’d share it

Best line of the article above…

Other new research Thursday showed that global warming produced about half of the extra hurricane-fueled warmth in the North Atlantic in 2005, and natural cycles were a minor factor, according to Kevin Trenberth and Dennis Shea of the National Center for Atmospheric Research, a research lab sponsored by the National Science Foundation and universities. Their study is being published by the American Geophysical Union.